Chapter 2: Diamonds

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You say you need more me
What, am I a toy again?


I may or may not have made chat gpt edit this chapter

After a series of involuntary stops made by me, we finally reached the jewelry store in 15 minutes.

I glanced at the extravagant jewelry store before shifting my gaze toward Ella. As we approached the store, I caught a glimpse of my fiancé through the glass walls. He was engrossed in a conversation with some of his men.

When he noticed our approach, a smug smile spread across his face. Ella spoke up, suggesting that she wait outside. I simply nodded in response.

Stepping into the store, I made my way toward the counter where Antonio stood. He enveloped me in his arm, drawing me closer to his solid frame.

He was tall, taller than most but not freakishly tall. I estimated his height at around 190 cm, while I stood at approximately 177 cm, though I wasn't entirely certain.

Antonio possessed short brown hair and captivating brown eyes that seemed to radiate. He had a mesmerizing appearance, but his actions often mirrored a nightmare.

A man in his late 30s emerged from a back door with a box in his hands. Placing it in front of us, Antonio released his grip on my waist and retrieved the box, opening it to reveal a pair of exquisite rings.

Taking out the rings, he extended his hand for me to place mine inside. I hesitated briefly before sliding my left hand into his. He carefully slipped the rings onto my left ring finger.

The two rings complemented each other splendidly.

"Doesn't it look lovely?" Antonio remarked, raising my hand to allow me a better view of the rings.

I nodded in agreement. He then removed the wedding band, leaving the engagement ring on my finger. He returned it to the box, tucking it into his pocket.

We acquired the rings earlier but since they were slightly too large they had to be altered. Now, I found myself adorned with a perfectly fitting diamond ring.

"Thank you for the ring," Antonio acknowledged the man behind the counter before turning his attention to me. "Love, we should be on our way to avoid being late." He guided me towards the store's exit.

As we stepped out, I turned to face him. "What do you mean by being late? Late for what?" I inquired, puzzled.

Antonio halted, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Bianca, please stop with the questions," he responded.

Seizing my upper arm, he maneuvered us towards Ella, who had risen from the bench and started walking toward us.

Antonio drew me closer and whispered in my ear, "Bid her a quick farewell, and then we'll depart." Releasing my arm, he gently pushed me toward Ella.

"Can I have a look?" Ella asked as I approached her. I extended my hand, displaying the ring.

"That's a lot of diamonds," she commented. "I bet when they made this ring, they were like, 'How many diamonds can we fit on one ring?'" I chuckled, but stopped after hearing Antonio clear his throat in the background. Hastily, I embraced Ella and said, "Sorry, but I have to go."

"Okay, sure."

"Great!" I replied, stealing a glance over my shoulder at Antonio, who grew increasingly impatient.

"I'll see you later," I bid farewell, feeling Antonio's impatient gaze fixed upon me.

"Yeah, see you later then," she responded, and I quickly hugged her before making my way back to Antonio. He grasped my arm and guided me away toward the mall's parking lot.


When we arrived home after 20 minutes, Antonio led me inside and straight to our bedroom.

"Find a suitable dress for a gala dinner and be ready within an hour," Antonio commanded sternly, exiting the room and leaving me alone in our room.

The bedroom exuded an exquisite 18th-century charm, adorned with gold and white accents. In fact, the entire house followed an 18th-century-inspired theme.

I sighed and proceeded to lie down on the large bed. A gala dinner? So, we were attending a party?

I wasn't particularly keen on going to such events. I felt a strong desire to melt into the bed, becoming one with it.

I wondered whose gala it was and whether it had any connection to the mafia. I hoped it didn't. I didn't know anyone at those parties apart from Antonio, and they always seemed to be accompanied by dreadful occurrences.

During the last gathering, they had organized an auction where girls were put up for sale. It was horrendous, and I had implored Antonio to leave. However, he insisted on staying the entire night. I was forced to witness the disturbing spectacle. That moment, I wished to escape from the room, consequences be damned.

I could stomach a lot since I grew up as a mafia heir but human trafficking always left a bad taste in my mouth. It was just on another level of evil but I couldn't escape it since both our fathers were neck deep.

Hence, I held no pleasant memories of such events. Antonio treated me like an object, expecting me to remain by his side and remain silent.

Regular parties, on the other hand, did not entail such atrocities.

After a few minutes of self-pity, I roused myself and made my way to the walk-in closet on the other side of the room.

While passing through the sitting area en route to the closet, I noticed a box resting on the marble table. Sitting down on the light grey couch, I read the note attached to the box.

To Bianca.

That was the sole message on the note. Slowly, I opened the box's lid, revealing a pair of black high-heeled shoes. They were exquisite.

Delicately, I took them out, admiring their beauty. These were the exact shoes I had mentioned wanting a few weeks ago. They had black satin ribbons that tied around the ankle in a bow, complementing the elegant black heels.

I was overjoyed, almost oblivious to the note nestled within the box. Retrieving it, I read the note:

I hope you like the shoes I bought you.
I do expect something in return, of course, and I think you know what it is.

I scoffed and discarded the note. Of course, he wanted something in return. He always had expectations, never doing anything without seeking something in return.

The fact that he expected something in return didn't sit well with me. It only heightened my sense that this evening would be exceptionally unpleasant.

And, naturally, I knew exactly what he desired in exchange:


Song: Such a boy
By: Astrid S

I hope you liked the second chapter.

Does anyone know what Antonio wants Bianca to do? Is it something dirty? Or something completely different?

1254 words

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