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I pulled my hair so the high ponytail was tight and straightened my black and white Carington uniform before stepping into the plain wooden floored classroom. Yay the first fucking day at school in this stupid boarding school. This whole school is fucking lame and can suck my ass and feed me grapes.

It was silent and students continued to write on their papers with wooden pencils. Fucking try hards.

The teacher, Ms. Gunner I assume, sat in all black with a streak of white coming out the collar of her sweatshirt. She looks like a wannabe nun.

"Ahem. Ms. Gunner?" I asked politely using my high pitched fake voice. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Ah. You must be the new students. Ms. Charlotte and Mr. Adam." She said standing up.

Now some students were looking in curiosity at us.

" Yes. My brother and I are your new students." I answered stepping out the way of my silent brother.

His soft gaze was examining the classroom. I nudged him slightly and he fixed them on to the teacher.

"Hello Ma'am" he whispered nodding his head slightly. I rolled my eyes at his shyness. Well I wouldn't call it shy more like uneasiness.

Ms. Gunner tapped her long wooden stick against her desk gaining the class' full attention.

All the blonde and brown haired kids sat high and mighty. They could've all been cousins for all I know. They look exactly alike some with lighter shades of blonde or brown hair and all with greenish blue eyes. Nothing special.

"These are your new classmates, Charlotte and Adam. They came from. California so be nice to them." She said in an abnormally high voice.

She faced us and pointed to the back of the class.

Adam and I made our way over and not a single person looked at us. It was weird. I deserved to be looked at but whatever, it's their loss.

I sniffed and flipped my black curly hair from my face. Adam sat down next to the window leaving me to sit next to a pale white crackhead.

He kept muttering things under his desk and scratching his pencil against the desk drawing weird symbols.

Like um no thank you I don't fuck with that Satan shit. No thank you.

Then he whipped his head to me. His eyes were red from crying most likely and his face was flushed red with a multi-colored bruise right below his eye. I flinched at the sight.

"Henry." He said shakily holding out his hand.

" Charlie"

I shook it without hesitation and gave him a small comforting squeeze. He pulled his hand away at that and I felt guilt cut through me like a knife.I feel like shit for judging him that quick.

"We have to take notes on the book. It's under your seat. Just read to chapter 2." He informed me and I shrugged.

I won't do it anyways. Adam probably will. He's a fucking try hard and he can be such a kiss ass.

I scan the classroom quickly hoping to catch some hot meat.

And of course they all looked the fucking worst. Like literally my sister's boyfriend Gerald looks better and he looks like a guinea pig had a baby with a elephant and after the birth sharted out him.

This really weird old fashioned bell cut through the still classroom air and everyone got up at the same time and lined up to leave.

I followed Henry and Adam trailed behind taking in the school more. It was really weird and medeival  almost. The arch design and castle feel contrasted the 60s style classrooms.

We made it to the lunchroom and everyone just spread out. Even Henry had a group to go to. There is no way I'm following him all the way there. I grabbed Adam's hand and marched to the middle table were the sun wasn't directly on.

And like a fucking cliche movie type shit, a group of girls and boys made their way towards us.
They were led by a red haired green eyes kinda chubby Merida looking chic.

"Shoo newbies. This is our table." She said in a surprisingly deepish bitchy voice.

"Did you buy it? Does it personally belong to you? Because I'm pretty sure the school owns it. Maybe you're used to sitting here so you don't get sunburnt or something but my brother and I are clearly already sitting here. So move along honey" I sassed already annoyed by her.

Adam put his book down and finally gave them his attention. He already looked bored.

"Listen newbie.-"

"Charlotte Mai Fügersøn." I inturpted her.

She raised an eyebrow at that. "Ahh I see. So you're those newbies."

Some girls in her cliche giggled.

I almost dragged them then and there.

Adam slowly stood up.

"Let me guess. Andrea Belstien. Class president for about a month, daughter and youngest twin of Damien Belstien the principal, social climber, and pretty much a stupid ass who gets C's and thinks they're better and smarter than anyone. I've heard about you and the stuff you say and let me tell you that your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out you mouth. I don't give a fuck if this is your table or whatever. Move along and sit on the lawn or you can suck my ass and feed me grapes." He said to her his voice dripping in sarcasm.

He took and seat and picked up his book again.

Andrea stood there speechless before just moving along.

I smiled proudly at my brother before the bell rang again and we had to go off to class.

When the day was over we split to go to the dormitories and I was blessed with sharing a room with one of Andrea's minions.

Her name was Marigold and she was like 4ft compared to my 5"8.

I could literally fit her in my hands she's so fucking tiny. I swear like she's a garden snake to my blue whale. Okay not that big of a difference but she's really small.

"I suppose you won't be joining us in the mess hall? Andrea wanted you and your brother there." She spoke suddenly while putting away some socks.

I turned to face her. She had an entire new outfit on and it revealed her flat chest and a bit of skin above her waistline. Completely unattractive.

"Why would I sit with Andrea? I would like to go a day without hearing her deep ass voice." I answered mockingly.

"Well because Logan is the one who wants to see you. And that never happens to people like you. You should be lucky and grateful he would bless you with his-"

"Shut up. I swear you're so annoying. Is all you can do is follow people around and live up their asses? If you have the mentality that someone is so much better than you because they're popular and you think it's an honor to be in their presence you must have very little self worth. Everyone is just as important as anyone else. This Logan guy can ask me and my brother in person if he wants to see us so bad."

I grabbed my jacket and left the suffocating red and gold room.

I walked the quiet hallways and neared the lunchrooms.

I spotted Adam walking with some other boys slowly towards the room and made my way quickly to them. Maybe he caught some hot meat.

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