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"We had spend the pervious afternoon telling stories of our childhood, planning, cuddling though that mostly was from Greg and Killian, and we just rested after our long day of yelling and fighting.

Adam and I stayed up late talking with Logan and playing 20 questions. He's a pretty decent guy. I don't know if I'm interested with the whole supernatural thing though. He sounds scary. Unfortunately with no internet or wifi at the school, I couldn't search up what he was.

Today classes started up and Henry seems even more shaken up. I tried to talk to him, but he just flinched and kept away. His shyness was almost adorable if it didn't concern me so much that he was scared of skin contact. He couldn't even meet people's eyes.

I also met a jackass named Kevin, he's in love with his looks and thinks that girls will fall in love with guys if they act tough and like a bad boys when honestly if I had to pick between him and Mr. Gronogly from 7th grade, I would without a doubt pick Mr. Gronogly." I informed Hannah as she stared through her laptop lens.

She giggled at that.

"Maybe he's secretly trying to impress Henry because he's been in love with him for 3 years. Only for him to make a move resulting in a traumatic event causing Henry to fear skin contact and eyes contact or just socializing in general!" She gushed.

"Hannah, not everything is a gay fanfiction. Go write a book about your crazy fantasies or something." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand dismissively at her.

"Fiiiiiine, just tell me more about Greg and Killian. They sound so cute. I wonder what their ship name will be...Gillian? Keg? What's their last name maybe that will help." She pondered.

"I actually don't know. I was never told that. I'll ask them later just for you. They're a cute couple. I was trying to score Greg before I knew they were together. Um Killian is adorable and like the baby brother I never had and Greg is really comical and silly. He like bear hugs, food, and can be very convincing. A bit sly around strangers and honestly a man whore sometimes." I explained to her shifting the camera so she could see me fully.

I could barely see her face as she was leaned over looking for something. Her bright pink hair covered the camera for ages before she sat back down with her vibrant eyes.

"Aww couple goals. Find yourself a man before winter break. Or else I'll have to set you up, with one of Mia's friends." She threatened.

Mia was her girlfriend for 3 weeks which is longer than I can keep my grades up.

"Mia doesn't like me. She would set me up with the worst person possible. Like Oliver or something." I complained wrinkling my nose at the mention of the she-devil.

"Excuse. Mia loves you. And Oliver isn't even that bad. Plus you've never even talked to him." Hannah said leaving over again.

"I think it's time for dinner now. I'll catch you later okay?" I asked seeing the now pitch dark outside.

"Sure. Bye bitch!" She said and I hung up on the crazy girl.

I made my way slowly to the dining hall my stomach filling with guilt as I saw the candles and pictures of Marigold and Andrea. Maybe I should've been nicer. Maybe I should've helped Andrea the first time she screamed.

I sat down besides Adam who was in a deep argument with Logan about table arrangement. Ew. They're such dorks.

I shifted my attention to Greg and Killian.

"My friend Hannah, she wants to know you're last names so she can make a ship name for you guys." I informed them after they greeted me.

"We tried that whole ship name and it never worked out. My last name is Mantovi and Killian's is McHarden." Greg said laughing a bit.

I giggled.

"Wait what did you tell this Hannah person?" Killian asked putting down his fork.

I went back through our conversation with a sudden realization.

"Shit! I told her that I wasn't into the supernatural stuff. I was talking about Logan too! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to spill!" I gushed hiding my face in my arms.

Adam turned around and stopped laughing. "Wait what just happened?" He asked rubbing my back.

"She told her friend about us being supernatural. More specifically, Logan." Killian said angirly.

Greg flinched at his tone and I hid within myself even more.

How could I be so careless and stupid? Hannah is a huge blabber mouth she'll tell everyone. Maybe she didn't hear me though..... hopefully.

I tuned back in to hear Logan and Adam shouting at each other.

"Charlie let's go." Adam said quietly.

"Wait. No Adam, I didn't mean that." Logan said grabbing my arm as Adam pulled me away.

I hid my face humiliated by this entire situation. No doubt the entire school was watching. Yet Adam pushed through and dragged me all the way out too the courtyard.

We sat down behind a tree and I groaned.

"I'm so stupid!" I yelled kicking my legs out in a fit.

"Yes you really are." Adam muttered.

"Hannah's gonna tell everyone!"


"And now Logan, Killian, and Greg hate us!"

"Most definitely-"

"Stop agreeing to everything I day!" I snapped.

"Well you're not wrong. You really fucked up this time. But whining and bitching over it won't do anything for you." He shrugged and offered a small smile.

I sighed and nodded. Of course he's right. I took a deep breath before standing up.

"Okay let's go!" I declared holding out my hand.

"To apologize?"

"No I already apologized and they didn't accept it. Instead they got mad at me. I'm going to go help them. I'm going to call Hannah, then figure out this entire thing with us being mages and shit. We'll get this all sorted out." I promised and he took my hand.

When we made it back to the room Greg was the only one in there. He looked livid and his cheek had a very prominent slap mark showing 5 small fingers just below his eye. I'm surprised Killian could reach that high.

"Greg?" I asked stepping into the dim room.

He turned to me quickly. "Charlotte about time! Killian and Logan left to go chill off. You okay?" He asked smiling at me.

"I'm perfectly fine thanks. I just came to-"

"Apologise?" Logan asked form before me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"I already apologized actually. So we can move on from that. It's so 10 minutes ago. Can we focus on the now?" I said cheekily.

"Excuse me? You were the one who told my secret. I'll decide when it's appropriate to move on! We just might have to kill that friend of yours. Do you not understand the gravity of this situation? This is serious and valuable information!" He ranted his face turning an unattractive shade of red. His eyes even seemed to have a red glow to them.

"You aren't killing anyone. Calm down. Your enemies don't know anymore than they did before. They knew what you are and where you are so it doesn't matter." Adam said stepping in front of me.

He blinked and the red slowly faded away. He bit his lip and his eyebrows came together forming the most perfect thinking face I've ever seen.

"See. You need to relax dude." My brother said finally getting through to him.

Logan smiled lightly at my brother before turning to me. "Sorry."

I smirked.

"It's okay."

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