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I might just continue in Killian's pov for awhile. Hopefully next chapter we go back to Charlie. Or maybe someone new.....?

I closed my eyes and focused on turning into my Amarok form. My teeth clenched in pain as my arms sprouted from my sides and my bones popped and grew.

I growled loudly at the pain before adjusting to the change. I easily lifted the book shelf off of them and worked to find the others.

I spotted James' strange dark stringy hair under a pile of books. I picked him up and added him to my pile.

I carefully rummaged through the books and random objects. The chum bucket seemed to be covering someone.....
No way. I am not touching that. Ew gross. Oh fuck! Why me?

I flicked it over and Adam lay knocked out with spit and cum dripping down his face. I almost threw up.

I picked him up and set him far but close to the others. In case there's STDs in that cum, I don't want my precious Greg to get it.

The door swung open and I instantly crouched above them growling loudly.

"Killian chill it. It's only me, Logan" Logan said stepping into the room. He had a patch covering one eye and he was holding up Sam.

"Where are the others?" He asked looking around.

I stood up properly and he saw them under me.

"Good job. Now turn back so we can talk" he ordered coming into the room and sitting besides them.

I braced myself for the pain and turned back.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked frantically catching my breath.

"I'm not sure yet. It's chaos out there. Right now let's just focus on these idiots here."

I nodded determinedly. Vim and vigor coursing through me.

I used a nearby book to wipe off the disgusting substances covering most of Adam's face. I'm sure he can wash it out of his hair when he wakes up.

"How long was I out?" I heard Charlotte mumble sitting up.

"I'm not sure. Are you okay?" I asked helping her stand up.

"I feel like shit. My chest really hurts." She groaned almost collapsing onto the floor.

"Shhhh. Don't worry. It might be your ribs piercing through your lungs which would explain the blood coming out your mouth." I told her wiping any dust or sweat from her forehead.

Logan crouched down in front of Greg and felt his pulse. "He's fine. Shouldn't be out much longer. Right now we need to get somewhere safe." He ordered standing back up.

"We need to take care of them. We should be safe up here. We can barricade the door and I'm sure there's food-"

"We can't eat books and live off tea. I fucking hate tea. We're leaving okay?" Logan repeated his face calm but his voice glass sharp.

I shrugged and turned back to nursing Charlotte.

"I'm so tired. I want to sleep..." She muttered her eyes dropping.

"Then sleep. You're gonna be fine" I assured her leading her to a tall stack of books acting as a chair.

She fell asleep not a second later and I sighed in annoyance.

"Where's Sam, and the other one?" I asked Logan as he inspected the damage done to Greg and Adam.

"Sam is over by the door. James' brother is....I don't know. Don't really care either." He replied easily.

"I should go scout the area. If this was caused by dhamphirs then we need to move quickly. We won't be able to fight them with just us two" I said looking out the window.

The entire school was in disarray. The courtyard had a small fire and students were running around like headless chickens. It seemed almost apocalyptic. The walls were crumbling and the floor covered in dust and rubble. Glass splattered across every stone step and candles stuck to the floor with their wild wax.

A small rumble sounded and the room shook a bit.

"Earthquake? Aftershocks?" I asked aloud.

"Don't be stupid. We don't get earthquakes here. It was obviously some sort of attack. Not sure by who. I don't see any traces of dhamphirs." Greg said coming to stand by me at the window.

"Now. Come help me carry them to our safe room"


Charlotte and Adam were awake not an hour after we brought them down to the common room. Sam and his boys were still asleep while Greg was in and out of sleep.

"This room again huh?" Charlotte mused grimacing as she sat up.

Adam didn't even attempt to sit up.

He pulled his hand through his hand and shot up upon feeling the now dry sticky substance. "What the fuck?" He cried rubbing his hand off frantically on the sheets.

"The bucket fell on your head. We can wash it off don't worry" Logan said and I raised an eyebrow. How did he know? I took the bucket off of him before he got into the room.

Well I mean it was obvious since it wasn't exactly hidden or anything.

He groaned and hid his face in his knees before screaming loudly.

"Shhhh!" I quickly hushed him glancing nervously at the door. "We're trying to hide right now!"

He shot me a glare before limping off to the washroom. Logan followed him in to help.

Charlotte looked nervously at me and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. For being jealous or whatever." I said grabbing the medical kit and heading over to her.

"No I totally understand. I did flirt with Greg a lot, but I swear I don't like him. I like....someone else. Taking your man is on the bottom of my to do list."

"Well get it the fuck off your list in the first place" I joked and we laughed.

She started coughing out blood and smiled weakly.

"You'll need an actual doctor for that. Best I can do is give you painkillers and offer some breathing tubes in case you get bad lung tightening." I said sheepishly.

"Thanks. That sounds like more than enough. Do we know what happened?" She asked laying back down so she could breathe better.

I started putting cream over her ribs to soothe her skin and made it less tender. "Well. We're working on it. Most students are hiding out in the dorms. I don't think it's a active attack. Maybe a spell gone wrong or something." I answered wrapping a bandage around her.

She visibly paled at that. "A spell gone wrong?" She asked meekly.

"What the hell did you do?" I groaned.

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