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There were 3 boys total and all of them were hot and sexy as fuuuuuuuccckkk! I smirked at my brother as I stood in front of them.

"Charlotte." I introduced holding out my hand to show off my beautiful nails.

The shortest one shook it his curly brown hair shaking slightly. He grinned at me with deep dimples and bright honey eyes.

"Hey there. The name's Killian." He said winking at me.

"I see you've met my brother." I said moving to his side as we continued to walk. I had all their attention and Adam shot me a annoyed glared. Not my fault I don't want to be a virgin forever.

"Damn, Adam you never mentioned a sister!" The closest one to him said as he slung his arm around my brother's broad shoulders.

He had brown hair that had been pulled into a low ponytail and his face was much more square and athletic than Killian.

"The name's Greg. Gregory Mantovi. Pleasure to make your acquaintance beautiful." He announced the cocky air around him seemed to be suffocating the third boy who had a look of disgust.

His delicate and cute nose wrinkled. It seemed out of place in his cold hard face.

His eyes were a dark brown that turned light when the sun shone on them. The many windows in the walkway allowed me to have the pleasure of seeing it multiple times.

"How cute" I teased pinching his cheek and Greg pretended to bite my fingers.

"This guy is Logan. He's a ray of fucking sunshine isn't he? He got lucky to have Adam as a roommate while me? I'm stuck with this dork here!" Greg complained tickling his short friend.

I smiled at the exchange.

"Logan huh? Marigold told me you wanted to talk to my brother and I. She made you sound like an arrogant ass she was all like 'you should be honored to even be in his presence blah blah blah' it was hysterical." I mused hoping for a reaction.

He turned to look at me and his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"He and Adam are having a no talking competition." Killian explains as we reach the long dining hall.

The entire place was lit up with candles and food was neatly placed filling the entire table to the last inch.

Laughter and chatter that once filled the air fell silent upon our arrival.

Even the teachers had put down their silverware to stare at us.

Finally the attention I was supposed to get. I knew they were all interested in me. They can't resist my-

"Charlie. Can we go?" Adam asked bringing me back.

I noticed the group had already started their way towards the other end of the grand table.

"Sorry." I muttered as I followed after him and his stupid long legs.

As soon as we sat down quiet murmurs and conversation started up again.

"Wow. This all looks amazing." I said in awe of how beautiful the arrangement was. The shiny chicken was placed in the center if a small circle of salads.

"You'll get used to it in no time." Killian said cheerfully. "Say, where do you guys come from?" He asked.

"California. We lived in the Bay Area. It was our mother's idea to move out here in England. So goodbye sunshine and hello rain." I explained jokingly.

"Wow. So you're from the States! That's so cool. I go to New York during the summer every year. Usually I just follow my dad around as we meet new business partners and such. Maybe instead we can fly out to California!" Greg said joining in our conversation.

"I don't know. Where would we stay?" I said my stomach twisting at the thought of going back. I don't ever want to see him again. Not after he betrayed us.

"My mom's family is mostly in France or Canada. Some live in Australia, none in America." I told them sighing a bit.

"Don't worry about that. We could just rent out a place or something." Killian said excitingly. His eyes sparkled and a bit of chicken was left sticking to his face.

Greg leaned over and just licked it off.

Wait what? Is he gay? But...but he's so hot!

"Ew gross. Keep your tongue in your mouth Greg!" Killian complained wiping his cheek. He was a blushing mess but completely serious contrast to the hyper boy I just saw a moment ago.

"How long?" I asked still in minor shock.

"2 years strong" Greg answered smiling fondly at his boyfriend.

"Lucky. The longest I've kept a relationship was 3 weeks. I tend to move on too quickly too...."

Killian giggled at that.

"We didn't really know each other before Logan. He had this party and he invited both of us and some others, small private party, and we hit it off pretty quick. Though teachers say we're troublesome." Greg told me and I signed wishing I could find someone.

We continued chatting into the night before dinner was over and we had to go back to our dorms.

The lights were off and I saw through the pale light from the moon a small lump where Marigold was sleeping.

"Goodnight" I said and crawled into the mountain of heaven.

"ave satanas" she muttered in her sleep.

I shrugged and focused all my energy on dimming so I could allow sleep to shine.

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