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I woke up with a cold cloth on my forehead and wrapped in layers of blankets.

My brother was talking quietly with Logan off in the corner. While Killian was pacing back and forth.

Thank God that was just a dream. But...what happened?

I sat up slowly and cleared my throat.



They cried rushing to my side. Logan carefully made his way and Greg walked inside the room carrying a tray of breakfast.

"What happened?" I asked giving my brother a tight hug.

"The school is on lockdown because if the dhamphirs that killed Marigold and Andrea." Logan said with a sigh.

His permanent frown rested against his daint and sharp face. His features forever standing out against his slightly tan skin.

I found myself mimicking his frown at his words. So that means last night's events really happened?

"So.. Killian really was that....thing?" I asked the disgust seeing through my harsh words.

I watched his innocent face fall and he nodded silently.

"Killian isn't a thing." Greg snarled but Logan have him a look.

"He's a Amarok." He explained his voice much softer now.

"A what?" I asked still confused.

"That matters not. We're all from different backgrounds and all are different beings. I myself am part Kludde and if that is a problem we will have no issue with wiping your memory and leaving you behind." Logan said smiling softly at me.

"And Adam you knew about this the entire time?" I asked turning to my brother.

"Yes. It was quite obvious. Then I caught Killian in his other form and they told me the truth. The thing is we shouldn't be able to see them if we were completely human." He said to me sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Wait what?

My head spun as I tried to process the information. What the hell is going on?

I have no clue what these creatures are, what I am, what's happening with the school? Ugh why me?

"What about that weird kid Henry, is he something too?" I asked sarcastically still taking in the information.

"He comes from the children and fore-children of Selphir." Logan informed me and turning back to my brother. "We shouldn't be telling her this!" He said angirly and my brother just shoved him off.

"She can handle it." He said looking back to me.

"Are you shitting me right now? You're telling me that some supernatural Satanist shit is going on right now? Are you're perfectly okay with this? This isn't normal! I knew coming here was a bad fucking idea." I ranted standing up.

I must've been threatening because Greg moved in front of Killian and glared at me his hands clenched and teeth sharp.

"Pack your things we're getting the hell out of this-"

"Calm down for one second will you?" Adam said grabbing my arm. "Look I know this is overwhelming, but trust me leaving is the worst thing we can do. They need our help and that's why mom and dad sent us here in the first place."

"Dad? Dad doesn't care about us. He sent us away so he could have the house to himself and his little whore while mom is working her ass off to support us!" I yelled pushing him away.

"Charlotte what the fuck?" Adam said catching his step. "Dad sent us here for this. To help others like us. But if you want to just run away from responsibility and hide behind that slutty facade you have go right ahead. I won't stop you, but once you see the real danger we're in don't come running back to us."

I stared at him shocked. His usual desolate eyes were vivid with anger and rage. This is the first time he's ever said my full name since we found out about Dad. He's been so distant and to see him so interested and committed to something......it's just so odd.

But monsters?

"Adam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you or yell at you. This just doesn't make sense to me. I was just scared." I sighed holding out my hand.

"I'm sorry I cursed at you. And I'm sorry for shoving you into this. I was just worried about you. I didn't mean to get you upset." He answered and held out his hand.

We shook hands once and wriggled our fingers together before I pulled him into a hug.

"Now. Explain to me. Why are we in danger?" I said to Logan who was watching with confused eyes.

"Let me start at the beginning. I am Logan. Son of Melvin and Gunther Henderson. We are a family of Kludde. We are from the Brabant forests and usually called demons. Our abilities reside in shape-shifting, immeasurable speeds, and we tend to stay near bodies of water." He started pulling up a chair and sitting. Greg and Killian sat on the floor holding each other in a soft embrace.

"We like to stay in small groups, but our kingdom is vast and wide. Our threats come from beasts like the dhamphirs and Amarok. Which, yes, is what Killian is. But as of last summer we've been under the threat of something more deadly and dangerous. We call them shadows, since they blend right in and are known for turning into dark masses in which they are non liquid, solid, or gas. They are able to wrap around you engluf you of whatever way they want to kill you." He continued his heavy eyes baring down on me before shifting to my brother in an almost natural way.

"So, where do we fit in? And the attack last night?" I asked taking a seat on the bed I was once in.

"Well the shadows and and dhamphirs are working together. Most Amarok are too, but since that kingdom has split some Amarok have joined our side. Our meaning the Kludde, the Selphir, the vampires, and of course the mages. You are the latter."

"Excuse me? You're saying I'm a mage and I can do magic? Yeah right!" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Well technically no. You have magic in you, but you don't know how to use it. Mages haven't been seen for hundreds of years. Most either died or are in hiding, or like your parent's case have forgotten." Killian said adding his 2 cents.

"What makes us any different?" I asked.

"Logan knows a teacher. We can learn and help them. They're already here at the school. We have to protect the people so their aren't anymore Marigolds and Andreas." Adam said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I stared at the group of confident boys. So stupid yet brave.

"Fine. I'm in"

Carington Belldum AcademyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin