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I woke up to a loud scream from down the hall.

I almost felt like going to see what it was. But I'm sure Marigold will go check it out.

Sure enough I heard a ruffle of sheets and quick feet stumbling out to the hallway.

This time it was Marigold who screamed.

I turned on the lamp and saw through the door that many girls were rushing down the halls all in fear.

What the fuck?

I grabbed my robe and slippers and made my way out the room.

The floor was stained a dark red color. And a trail of wet sticky red liquid ran down the walls.

"Charlotte!" I heard someone yell and my head turned towards the sound.

Adam stood at the end of the hallway.

His face was pale and a light later of sweat was settled onto of his carmel skin.

"We have to get to the dining room now!" He exclaimed catching his breath.

"Wait. What's going on?" I asked walking to him and jumping around the mysterious substance soaked into the carpet.

"We don't have time. We have to hurry." He said grabbing my hand and pulling us downstairs to the dinning room.

The entire school was in there everyone huddled with their friends or siblings. I didn't see Marigold though, but she's probably with her friends hiding in some corner.

Adam pulled me to Logan, he was standing in a corner and staring out the tainted glass window. I spotted Greg and Killian making their way  towards him too.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" I asked when we all reached each other.

"I heard 2 screams. Then I get up to see everyone running down the hall." I said showing my obvious confusion.

"From what I hear. The girls all heard someone scream and Marigold went to go see what it was, about an hour later there was another scream and a group of dhamphirs started grabbing girls and feeding off if them." Killian whispered.

Logan snapped his head towards him. "Watch what you say in front of the new kids." He whispered and Killian visibly paled.

"What's a dhamphir?" Adam asked Logan.

"We'll discuss this later, right now we need to get somewhere safe. If a group of dhamphir are here we shouldn't." Greg stepped in.

"I agree. Whatever those things are, they could hurt us. And being in a large group doesn't help." I agreed quickly and grabbed his forearm.

Killian gave me a quick side glare before turning back to Logan.


"Attention students of Melbridge Academy. I'm sure many of you are distressed, but now is not the time for panic. Instead we are evacuating the school. Rest assured there is no threat as of now, so please relax. We are relocating at a classified location and classes are cancelled tomorrow so you can mourn the deaths if Miss Marigold Helmpher and Miss Andrea Belstien." Principal Belstien said his voice cracking at the name of his own daughter.

My stomach twisted into guilt. Oh man this is so fucked up.

Adam and I shared a look his face void of every emotion except fear.

I took his hand into mine and have him a firm squeeze. It wasn't anything close to what mom would do to comfort us. But he squeezed back anyways.

"Guys let's get out of here" Logan whispered and he gently guided us towards the back doors.

I followed silently as I don't trust my voice to sound clear.

Greg was behind me his large hands set on my shoulders and steering me along the way.

We make it to a red common room not far from the dungeons.

"Now. I want you two to stay here and rest up. It's dangerous right now. But I promise everything will be explained soon." Logan said his eyes catching mine and my heart fluttered a bit.

"Sure" I replied softly still holding his gaze.

He turned his attention to my brother and gave him a small nod.

He left with Killian and Greg by his side.

"We should follow them." Adam said suddenly.

"Are you kidding me right now! Logan said it was dangerous!" I protested sitting up.

"Oh please. Just because you wanna suck his dick doesn't mean you have to kiss up to whatever he says." He scowled at me.

"Stop! I'm older than you therefore you have to listen to me." I said getting up and standing in front of him.

"I'm leaving and you can't stop me." He said pushing me and walking out the room.

Um rude much.

I scurried after him as silently as I could, which wasn't so silent.

I caught up and he was pressed against the wall and sneaking glances around the corner.

A flash of light and some snarling caused us both to jump.

My heart stopped as I saw the...beast.

It's claws were bigger than my face and it has 2 sets of arms. Covered in fur except for his neck and underbelly. His bright yellow eyes glared at me with such killing intent I almost peed myself.

I stepped back slowly my eyes widened in shock and fear as he advanced.

My brother was still standing there unfazed.

"Charlie come back here." He said calmly.

"Adam. Get the fuck away from that thing!" I shrieked my eyes meeting his.

The beast let out a growl and I yelped.

"It's fine. Trust me. It's just....it won't hurt us okay?" He said holding out his hand to me.

I took it hesitantly and he pulled me into him.

The beast crouched down untill it was level to me.

I stared into it's glowing eyes and realized it's playful gaze seemed like Killian's.

Wait no way. That short little boy? Hell no what type of Satan shit is this?

"Killian?" I whispered and it nodded.

My world turned black as I fell backwards into the cold stone floor.

Carington Belldum AcademyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang