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For the next 5 chapters this story will be in Killian's point of view. It will change again soon. Please enjoy.

I huffed in annoyance as I massaged Greg's feet. It's not fair I have to pay back for slapping him. It was a fight, every man for himself, all that mattered was that I was vic-

"Babe you can stop squeezing so hard now." Greg said and I realized I had been trying to strangle his feet.

"Sorry." I muttered and continued the massage.

"Are you still mad?" He asked sitting up and lifting my face.

"Yes you dickwad. It was a fight. You can't expect me to be nice and just use my words I needed to fight. To win. Every man-"

"You're adorable." He laughed and kissed my nose softly.

"Stop! You should fear me. I'm tall enough to slap your cheek. Imagine the other things I can do to you now." I warned pushing him away.

He smirked.

"Trust me I do. All the time"

I flinched and hid my blush. "You're done with your massage. Get up. We have to meet Logan for golf today."

"Oh please you can go with Charlie and Adam. They've really hit if off with him huh? Charlie's really nice." He said standing up besides me.

"Yeah. I bet she's real nice" I muttered walking away from the giant.

"Oh come on babe. I didn't mean it that way. I would never!" He said running after me and picking me up.

"I know. Sorry it's just...she seemed really into you before. I don't want her to take you away from me." I admitted feeling a blush hot on my cheeks.

"You're the bi one. I'm strictly Killian-sexual" he winked and kissed my cheek.

He seemed to be avoiding my mouth for some reason. I frowned at that and hopped down from his arms.

"Let's take the long way." I offered and opened the door to an unused bedroom.

He smirked and followed me in.

We made it to the golf course only to find the game ending. Adam won and I could see Charlotte off chasing her ball near the sandpits.

"You cheated!" Logan accused childishly.

"Don't be such a sore loser....darling" Adam said and Logan blushed deeply.

"It was an accident I swear." He said walking towards us.

"What took you guys so long?" Adam asked and Logan shook his head at us knowing exactly what took us so long.

"We had a bit of a detour on the way down that's all." Greg said scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled fondly at the tall dork.

"What was an accident?" I asked Logan and he blushed.

"I called Adam darling just once on accident and now's he called me darling about 30 times." He explained and Adam gave him a cheeky smile.

Charlotte came running back and she squealed in excitement seeing Greg. She came to hug him but caught my death glare. She smiled awkwardly and the air around us was silent.

"Babe. Stop it." Greg said elbowing my in the side.

I sniffed and turned towards Logan and Adam who were both confused.

"Well I wanted us to play golf then head off to see Sam. So since we're done. Let's go meet your new teacher!" Logan said trying to clear the tense air.

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