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January 31, 2018.


I swear, in this book called my life this day will be the most interesting chapter. It could very well be the last. I do have a serial killer on my ass waiting for the right time to finish me off. 

Police are guarding every exit and entry to the house. Every time I see one of them I get shit scared. You can't blame me, I haven't exactly been a good boy since my diaper days. You know what, I wasn't a role model then either. Sad life. 

I made my way down the stairs into the kitchen. The police force insisted on staying outside the house to keep the killer from entering the house. The kitchen was empty. My pops was at the police station. They said it would be safer for him over there and I didn't object. My mom, lets just say I lost her when I was very young.

I suddenly stopped whistling when I heard a hoarse whisper in the distance.

Come here.

The voice whispered. A sudden wave of fright took over me. My legs moved on their own accord towards the source of the voice. I tried breaking my legs out of their stupor but to no avail. I struggled against my legs while simultaneously trying to call out to the police, but it seemed like I had lost my voice too.

The strange voice laughed eerily at my failed attempts at controlling my body. I stubbled backwards as the force lifted from my body. I was shaken up at the foreign feeling of someone else controlling my body.  

I heard knocking from upstairs. Frowning to myself I climbed up the stairs to my room where the continuous knocking was coming from. I closed the distance to my room when the knocking ceased. I pushed the door open but it wouldn't budge from it's place. The weird thing was that it was already open slightly.

I stepped back from the door to have it swing open on its own accord.

"FUCK", a loud curse left my mouth as I stared at the face at my open window. The curse echoed against the wall and I had the feeling that no one outside could hear me.

The face was not clear, it's grin was the only thing that was prominent on it's face. The grin stretched to it's maximum limit. Laughter started sounding from the figure although the grin on its face remained intact. I tried shouting for help.

No one can hear you.

I am coming for you. Wait for me.

I turned on my feet and ran downstairs. I stood at the starting of the stairs that led down to the basement which always remained locked in our house.

Something was beckoning to me from downstairs, something told me to walk down the stairs. I started down a bad feeling settling in my stomach. I pushed the door open, the inside was pitch black. I stepped inside, the lights flicked on and the door banged shut.

I turned to the side to see a mirror suspended in mid-air. I stared silently at the reflection it held.

The reflection looked eerily like me but it wasn't possible. The reflection had half closed haunted eyes, it moved unsteadily while blood flowed down from it's eyes, it had an uneven gash across it's throat which was completely bloodied. It kept muttering the same thing over and over again.


The whispering became steadier and louder but the eyes of the reflection remained dead.

I told you to wait for me.

The voice whispered. The mirror crashed down breaking into a million pieces. I turned towards the voice to be met with a shadow of a boy who was turning solid by the second. This was paranormal. This was not normal. 

My breathing became ragged as the face of the boy came into view. I knew him.

He walked towards me with the knife held pointed towards me.

I am coming for you.

I tried running away but that was a failed attempt. The figure stood in front of me laughing at my attempts to run away mockingly.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide.

He lunged.

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