*3 What A Strange Day*

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"I just don't see the need to, that's all. now my turn, why are you in the male uniform when your a female?" he said, this caught me off guard and made me a bit mad, I replied quickly and harshly.

"I am a Male." after I said that I teleported with no warning, after doing so I immediately started to feel guilty. Virgil soon joined me slowly talking his time walking back since he can't teleport


I woke up to a very loud and annoying beeping sound, I slammed my alarm clock, 'damn enhanced hearing it's too goddamned loud' I sit up and already have a headache, Virgil walks through the door and sighs.

 "you broke your alarm clock again" I just groan and start getting ready. once I finished I took some pills trying to ease all the pain in my head, I reminded time on my alarm clock because without it I won't ever wake up.

 "come on Virgil I'm leaving!" I say out loud, I live alone so I'm not worried about waking anyone up. Virgil comes floating down the stairs and you both start off towards school.

Once we both made it to school I noticed that no one was in the classroom yet, I slouched down and rested my head on my desk with my arms completely stretched out on my desk.

 "I'm bored~," I wrote down and showed it to Virgil who was up against the walls sitting down, his face seemed to light up a bit once he read that.

"Oh, I totally forgot! I found this under your bed I think you dropped it, I found it and since it was dead I took it over to some random kids house and unplugged his to charge this one," said Virgil as he pulled out my 3ds.

"I couldn't find any good games so I just borrowed one from another kid" he pulled out Kirby.

"I love this game! and thank you!!!" I quickly inserted the game and started it up, soon forgetting the outside world even existed. 

soon people started filling in gathering in their seats, talking to friends, etc but of course, Nendo, Kaido, and Saiki soon came in and strode right words my desk, well more like Saiki's desk but you get the point. I continued my game, Nendo and Kaido where talking together and adding some comments on how I was "so good at the game" but because of how busy I was I couldn't and didn't answer.

once the bell rang I put the small machine in my bag and started class while doodling little things every once and awhile.

Time Skip: Lunch time~

I put my notebooks away and grabbed my mute book and went off to go back on the roof to eat lunch, my plan is to go up there, lock the door, put on one of the geranium rings that I got and try to relax or maybe sleep.

I was about to go up the stairs when I feel someone grab my shoulder, my immediate reaction was to flinch away, I turned around to look at the culprit, of course, it was just Nendo.

"Hey buddy, you lost? our table is this way" he said pointing to the table where we were sitting yesterday, I shook my head 'no' but he just pushed me towards the table. Virgil was losing his shit.

"hey hey hey, he obviously doesn't want to go let him go you giant--- UGH being a ghost sucks!" I just let my head fall back and did a silent groan.

we got to the table and I just gave up and sat down playing with my food taking small bites here and there, everyone was just talking and arguing about random stuff. the bell soon rang and we all walked back to class. damn it I didn't get to sleep, ugh! I sat in my seat next to Saiki and waited for class to start. 

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