Chapter 4

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I sat in bed thinking about what I could say to Mabel and to everyone else about the helicopter. I slowly got myself upwards.

"Woah. You need to rest Sam. Come on lay back down" the doctor said.

"No. I need to get out there and calm everyone down. They need to know the truth. Can you please pass me those crutches" I said.

The doctor picked up the crutches and handed them to me. He helped me stand up and I practiced walking around the infirmary for a bit.

"Thank you" I said walking over to the exit.

"Be careful. They are pretty violent out there" the doctor said.

I opened the door and all I could hear was yelling and screaming. I could hear crying and moping.

"Thank you again doctor" I said walking out.

I walked past the basketball court where Heath killed Marc and where Mr. Harris cut off my foot. I could still see blood all over the ground from Marc and from my leg. I walked past it in disgust and walked up to the big group of people. I could hear people yelling about that we have to go to war against Heath. I heard people yelling about me making the right choice about not telling Mabel about Frances. I slowly stumbled over to them.

"Sam?" Hunter said running over to me.

"What are you doing out here?" Hunter asked as she hugged me.

"I'm fine. I came out to talk to you all. You guys need to calm down. Now one by one we will help all of you. One person at a time tell me the issues at hand here, and I'll try my best to answer them" I said.

I saw Mabel angrily stomping towards me.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me about Frances! I was worried! We were out there trying to find her and you knew!" Mabel yelled.

"Look. Answer me this. If I told you that Heath had Frances what would of you done? And answer with full honesty" I said.

"I would of gone out there with you and killed him myself" Mabel said.

"And if you did we all would be dead including you and I. He specifically told me to come alone. If he saw someone behind me or anyone at all following me no matter who it is. He would of killed me, the person that was following me and he would go to Underdale and kill every single person here. That's why I didn't tell you. I found out yesterday. I've only known for a day. Ok? Anything else?" I said looking around at people.

"Yes. When I was out there with Aydan we came across another school except it was burnt to crisp. It looks like people used to live there. We explored through it for a bit longer and found a symbol painted on a wall. It was a circle with a star inside of it. What do you think of that?" Mabel said.

Hunter, Alleigh and Jeremy all looked at me remembering about the helicopter with the same symbol on it.

"We would have no idea" Hunter said stepping in.

"No. We do. When we were getting seeds and gardening equipment for Ana and us we saw a helicopter fly over our heads. It had a symbol on it. A circle with a star around it. I then found a burnt down supermarket with the same markings on it. The supermarket used to be a Safe Zone as well. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But I just didn't know how to. So I waited till someone else was gonna bring it up. Yes there are people out there with helicopters we don't know if it's military though. So from now on who ever we see is a threat. Especially with Heath being out there. Anything else?" I asked.

"We need to fight Heath!" Stella said.

The whole crowd yelled agreeing with Stella.

"We will. But not now. We need to find weapons and more food. Heath took it all. We also need to get in contact with Arman for help. Jeremy can you do that?" I said.

"Yes" Jeremy ran off to go tell Arman what has happened.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder I turned around and saw Megan's art teacher Bethany.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked.

"Where's Megan? She didn't turn up to my class" Bethany said.

"She was with me a little while ago. Weird. She'll be around here somewhere" I said.

"Wait she's not at the art lesson?" Hunter said.

"No" Bethany said.

"Sam. She's never missed an art lesson before. She loves art" Hunter said.

"It's ok. Calm down. She would be around here somewhere. Maybe she just fell asleep or is busy doing something. We will find her. We will have this conversation later!" I said walking away with Hunter.

"Let's split up and look around for her" I said.

"Ok" Hunter said.

We split up and looked around the school for her. I looked in her favourite spots. Like on the guard tower. In the art room. In her bed and on the oval. But I couldn't find her anywhere. I saw Hunter so I quickly ran over to her.

"Did you find her!?" I asked.

"No. She's not anywhere. You don't think Heath took her?" Hunter asked panicking.

"Don't say that. She's here. We will find her" I said.

As soon as I hugged Hunter I heard the gate open. I turned around and saw Megan walking in. She had a massive bag on.

"Megan!" Hunter yelled running towards her.

I ran over to Megan as well.

"Don't ever do that again" Hunter said.

"I'm sorry mummy. But I got something for Sam" Megan said.

"You do?" I asked.

Megan took off her bag and unzipped it. She looked around in the bag for a bit and then pulled out a prosthetic foot. It had a long leg on it with straps around it so I can strap it to my leg so it doesn't fall off. She handed it to me and smiled.

"Thank you Megan. Thank you so much" I said hugging her.

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