Chapter 8

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Everyone met up in the gym. I walked up to the front of the arguing group.

"Everyone please calm down. We are all going to talk this over with each other we will come to a conclusion on what we should do" I said.

"You know what we should do. We should fight. We are all tired of this. Sooner or later he's just going to kill all of us. We need to act. We need to fight. We can do it. I know we can!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"We know. We all agree on the same thing. This meeting is just about what we should do. How we should play it out. Any suggestions?" I asked.

"We need Adelaide Oval on this. Maybe even Mount Barker. We could get them all over here, then on his next visit we can all get him by surprise" Alleigh said.

I looked over at Alleigh.

"Yes. That's a good idea. Jeremy can you please contact Arman about coming here. I'll deal with Mount Barker" I said.

I walked out from the gym. I saw Anastasia still holding Stella's body. I walked over to her.

"Anastasia. We might have to take her soon and, you know, deal with her. I'm sorry" I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

She didn't answer.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. Just be careful with her ok" I said walking away.

I walked over to the oval. On the left side of the oval we made a big place where we can respectfully bury our dead. I walked over to the grave site and grabbed a shovel. I started to dig. Soon after I dug the hole deep enough for Stella. As I was about to climb out Jeremy walked over to me and gave me a hand out.

"Thanks" I said.

"Arman said they will be here tomorrow, to prepare" Jeremy said.

"Ok. That's good" I said putting the shovel down.

"What are you going to do about Ana?" Jeremy asked.

"I'm gonna go out there by myself. Maybe I can convince her to finally come back on our side" I said.

"I don't think it's a smart idea going alone. At least go with one other person" Jeremy said.

"I know I'm taking Alleigh" I said.

"Ok. I guess I'll see you later" Jeremy said.

"Yep. See you" I said.

I looked at all the graves. Next to the grave I was digging was Marc next to him was Frances and next to her was Kiara.  I stood still looking at the graves.

After I paid my respects I decided to look for Alleigh, so I could ask her if she wanted to go out to Mount Barker with me. I looked around and then found her in her guard post. I climbed up to the guard post.

"Hey" Alleigh said.

"Hey. How's things going?" I asked.

"Not much Walker activity. Only a few" Alleigh said.

"I'm going out to Mount Barker to talk with Ana about the fight with Heath. I would like you to come with me" I said.

"Ok yeah. I'll come" Alleigh said.

"Good. Get your things together and we will leave in twenty minutes" I said climbing down the ladder.

I walked over to Hunter who was sitting on a bench eating. I sat down next to her.

"I'm heading out with Alleigh to go talk with Ana. Just wanted to let you know" I said.

"Ok. How long will it take?" Hunter asked.

"Probably just over a hour. Whatcha eating?" I asked.

"Canned Tuna with lettuce in a sandwich. Would you like some?" Hunter asked.

"No it's fine" I said.

"Come on. You must be hungry" Hunter said hovering the sandwich around my mouth.

"Alright" I said taking a bite from her sandwich.

I stood up and hugged Hunter. I kissed her on the top of her head.

"Say goodbye to Megan for me. If she asks. I'll see you later ok" I said.

Hunter stood up and turned around to face me. She started to kiss me.

"Be safe out there ok" Hunter said.

"I will. I love you" I said walking away.

"I love you more" Hunter said.

"I love you from the moon and back" I said walking up to Alleigh.

"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"I'm ready. Let's go" Alleigh said as we both walked out to a car in the carpark.

I got into the drivers seat and we drove off towards Mount Barker. It was silent for half of the way to Mount Barker. But I finally brought started the conversation.

"I still remember her. I have had dreams of her. I then wake up and I'm back in this world. I miss her so much. But she's not your only friend. You have other people you can talk to" I said.

Alleigh started to cry.

"Back before all of this shit. Kiara was one of my only friends that I actually enjoyed talking to. All my other friends were annoying or boring. She was the only one I could really talk to. Then when it happened I had another person to talk to. You. You have helped me through this. But I don't think I will ever get better. I can't even make friends. I forgotten how to. So now I just want to be left alone" Alleigh said.

"If you want friends talk to Hunter. You know she's a nice person. She would understand what you are going through. She can help you. Probably better then I can. Mabel another one to talk to. Especially because she just lost Frances. Anastasia as well, but if I was you I would give her some space until she gets the hang of being without Stella. I'm sorry. I know you hate talking about it. But I care about you. I really do. I just want you to be better. Even in this world that we live in" I said.

"I know you care for me. I recognise everything your trying to do for me, and I am very thankful" Alleigh said.

"I'm sorry. It, it was my fault she died. I led us there. I trusted Ana. I shouldn't of trusted her" I said.

"It's not your fault. I have never blamed you for it. Not even once. I blame Ana and Thomas" Alleigh said.

"Ok. We are arriving at Mount Barker soon. Just brace yourself" I said ending the conversation.

I drove up to the front of the gate.

"It's Sam. I'm here to ask you a favour!" I yelled.

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