Chapter 19

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"If you're meant to be silent how come you're talking?" I asked.

"Only I can talk. The others have to be silent" She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We don't need voices" She said.

"Why?" I asked again.

"We don't tell people why" She said.

"Alright. What's your name?" I asked.

"Zero" She said.

"And why are you here to kill us?" I asked.

"You kidnaped one of my group members" Zero said.

"What Two Hundred and Nine?" I asked.

"How do you know his name?" Zero asked.

I remembered back to him saying he wasn't allowed to talk and if he did he would be killed. I told him that if he did anything stupid I would tell Zero that he talked. Well he did something stupid.

"He told me" I said.

Zero whispered to everyone. She turned around. I saw Two Hundred and Nine making a run for it. She aimed a gun at him.


He fell to the ground dead.

"Now it's your turn" Zero said.

"You guys don't even have guns" I said.

"We don't need any" Zero said.

The whole group took out bows. They lit the arrows on fire.

"Now you die. Fear us!" Zero said.

The silent started to shoot at us. The arrows coming over the walls and killing one person catching him on fire. Jeremy and I both ducked down. I looked over at the arrows all flying over. They were all going for the buildings.

"Shit their trying to catch fire to the buildings!" I yelled.

It was too late. The buildings caught on fire. The fire quickly spread. Jeremy and I quickly climbed down. We ran over to everyone and got them to safety.

"Shit. Everyone get anything you can salvage and get to a vehicle! Then go to the Adelaide Oval!" I yelled.

We packed up as many things as we could. I saw Mabel and Aydan both chucking things into a car. I ran over to Hunter.

"Where's Megan?" I asked.

"I don't know" Hunter said.

"Argh!" I heard a scream coming from a building.

"Megan!" I yelled.

Hunter and I came running towards Megan her face was burning. I quickly took off my jacket and brushed off the fire.

"Shit Megan. Come on baby" I said.

She was passed out. I picked her up. Hunter and I made a run for a car. I laid Megan down in the back and Hunter and I quickly drove off. I looked back as we drove through the opened gate. I saw that there was only two cars left which means most people made it out. I saw the silent group all watching us as we drove away, and I saw Underdale being slowly burnt down to nothing. The flames grew bigger and bigger as we drove down the road.

"Are you ok?" I asked Hunter as I put my hand onto her leg while driving with one hand.

"I'm fine. I was burnt a little on my hand" Hunter said.

"Show me" I said.

Hunter showed me and I saw a big burn on her hand.

"Shit. Hunter" I said kissing it.

I looked back at Megan. She coughed but was still unconscious.

"Is she going to be ok?" Hunter asked.

"I hope" I said.

The adrenaline got to us and Hunter started crying. She rested her head onto my shoulder as I drove towards the Adelaide Oval. I started to cry with Hunter. All our progress at Underdale was now gone, forever. Everything we did. Is gone.

"How many people made it?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know. I think I saw Mabel and Aydan escaping. But that's all I saw" I said.

"Shit. What the fuck are we going to do now. Who the hell were they?" Hunter asked.

"You know that guy I brought in. That's the group he was talking about. The Silent. With a leader called Zero" I said.

"Fucking hell! I thought all of this shit was over after Heath. I can't deal with this!" Hunter said kicking the glove box.

I looked over at Hunter.

"We're going to be fine. They aren't following us. So they won't know we're we are going. I doubt we will ever see them again, and if we possibly do see them again. Well, we will kill them" I said.

After a while of driving we arrived at the Adelaide Oval. The guards opened the gates and we drove in. Hunter and I both got out of the car. Everyone came running up to us.

"You made it!" Anastasia said hugging me.

"You guys alright?" I asked.

"No big injuries, a few burns but that's it" Jeremy said.

"What about you?" Mabel asked.

I looked behind me as Hunter took Megan out from the back of the car.

"She's ok. She's breathing" I said.

"Someone didn't make it. I think it was one of the workers I saw him die in front of me" I said.

"I saw him as well. But, quickly we need to get Megan to the doctor" Anastasia said.

Hunter and Anastasia ran off to the Doctor holding Megan. I walked over to Gabriella and her group of people.

"How are you guys holding up?" I asked.

"We're doing fine. We weren't burnt. We made it out fine" Gabriella said.

"That's good" I said.

"Sam. I'm sorry. We know how much you guys worked on that place. I'm truely sorry" Gabriella said.

"It wasn't your fault so you don't need to apologise. But thank you" I said.

I saw Arman walking towards me.

"Your people are welcome to stay here for as long as you want. It's the least we could do" Arman said.

"Thank you. Thank you very much" I said giving Arman a hand shake.

I slowly walked away going towards the hospital. I walked in and saw the doctors working on Megan. They were cleaning her burn. Hunter ran over to me and hugged me. She started to cry. I hugged her. I could tell she was worried. So was I. She is my daughter. We have been together for so long that it feels like she is my real daughter. I let go of Hunter and walked over to Megan. I sat down on the seat next to her. I held her hand. As soon as I held her hand I felt her grab onto my hand hard. I looked up and smiled. Megan and I held hands as she laid in her bed.

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