Chapter 23

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The horde was big. Not big enough to be a problem though. We all stepped forward. I looked at everyone.

"Show me what you can do" I said.

Gabriella's group all nodded at me and advanced forward. Gabriella took out an arrow from her arrow bag and shot at on of the Walkers. The Walker fell to the ground. Audrey swung her large machete at two Walkers. She killed them both in a single blow. Tyler shot at a few taking a lot down and Luke ran over to them and took down two Walkers as well. They all stepped back and go back into position.

"You guys can handle yourselves" I said.

"We haven't seen you in action yet. Let's see if you can do any better" Gabriella said.

"Ok" I said walking forward.

I ducked down and dodged two Walkers. I took them out behind me and spun around. I quickly did a move I learned at the supermarket and ran into the middle of the horde. I quickly took out lots of them at once. I could see Gabriella's Group was very confused that I ran into the middle of the horde. When everyone knows if you are surrounded by Walkers you have no chance. But I always pull it off. I took out all the Walkers and made a pathway to get out. As I ran through the pathway I took out all the Walkers around me stabbing two at a time with each hand. The horde started to decrease in numbers and after a while there was only two left. I stabbed them in the brain at the same time and put my knives back into my holsters. I turned around and I saw Gabriella's Group all looking at me with surprised faces.

"Did I do any better" I asked.

"How the hell can you do that?" Gabriella asked.

"Practice. I've been practicing for a while, and now I've learned how to deal with them. They aren't anything now. People are the higher threat now" I said.

Jeremy opened the gate and we all walked in. I walked off to wash off my knives. I then walked over to Megan. She was doing something on a table. I sat next to her to see what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm drawing" Megan said.

"Whatcha drawing?" I asked leaning over to see.

"I'm drawing a lion" Megan said.

"Oh. Cool. It looks really good" I said.

I watched her draw for a little bit. She stopped drawing and looked at me.

"Are all the Silent dead now?" Megan asked.

"No. There's still a lot of them out there sweetie. We still have a lot to do. But we will win. I know we will. We always do. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Well some of them are probably just normal people. Like how Thomas had workers who turned onto our side. What if they have people like that as well? Innocent people. I thought you wanted to keep innocents alive" Megan said.

"They aren't innocent. None of them. They burned down Underdale. They don't care about us. They just want us gone" I said.

"But they did come here to surrender right?" Megan said.

"They did but they killed Arman. We can't just let that slide. These people want us dead, and I want to protect you" I said.

Megan continued to draw.

"I love you daddy" Megan said.

"I love you to honey" I said kissing her on the top of her head.

I pat Megan's head then walked off to find Hunter. She was at Armans grave.

"Hey" I said.

"Oh hey" Hunter said.

I walked over to her and put my arm around her waist.

"Thank you. For burring him" I said.

"It's ok. But now Armans dead these people don't have someone to follow. What should we do?" Hunter said.

"I don't think I'll be a good enough leader. I've lead us into to many deaths" I said.

"They didn't die because of you, they died because of themselves, and when you lead us we always got out of the situations we were in" Hunter said.

We both looked at the grave.

"Maybe we could have an election" I said.

"Yeah that seems more civilised" Hunter said.

We looked at the grave together for a while. Then a few minutes past I heard a car driving up to the gate.

"What now?" I said letting go of Hunter.

I quickly ran over to see what was happening. Jeremy opened the gate and about seven cars drove in. They all stopped next to each other and they all got out holding guns. I was confused. They didn't look like they were from Mount Barker. I then saw Zero or Lauren being pushed out of a car followed by Anthony from the Bridge.

"Not him" was what I thought of in my head.

I walked over to them and Anthony saw me.

"Sorry we're late. But when we were heading back here we came across these people, and we thought they were trouble for you so we grabbed her to give to you as a present" Anthony said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Anthony asked.

"Not really. Why are you here?" I asked.

"Don't you remember? You left a walkie talkie out front of our gate" Anthony said.

"That was a long time ago" I said.

I saw all his men aim their guns at all of us.

"We want all of your shit, oh and you dead. Get on your knees" Anthony said.

"Screw you" I said.

All his people ran around and made us drop all of our weapons. They took our guns and we were forced onto our knees. Anthony slowly walked over to me. I saw Hunter crying, she was struggling and trying to get up to help me but one of Anthony's men was holding her down.

"Well I'm sorry about this. Wait before I kill you. You know Zero here right? Well if you didn't know I've been working with her this whole time. That's why she knew that you guys went to the Adelaide Oval that's how she knew where Underdale was. It was all me. But now she's going to die as well. But you first" Anthony said taking out an axe.

The axe looked familiar. It was my old axe that I dropped at the supermarket.

"Remember this thing? Ha. You sure do. Well any last words?" Anthony asked.

"Fuck you" I said.

"No!" Hunter yelled.

"Haha!" Anthony was laughing as he lifted his arm to swing his axe at my head.

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