Chapter 10

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I woke up with Hunters arms around me again. I slowly put her arm down and got out of bed. I got dressed and put my holster on. I walked out of the office and walked outside. I saw everyone together. Underdale has never been this crowded. During the two days Armans people and Anas people came here. I got in touch with the Bridge but they didn't seem like they would of cooperated with us. As I walked past everyone they would say hello or good morning to me. I saw Megan talking with Ana. I walked up to them and saw Ana handing Megan a lollie.

"Thank you Ana" Megan said.

"You're welcome Megan" Ana said.

I walked up to Megan and pat her head. I got on my knees to get to her height level.

"How are you birthday girl" I said.

"I'm good! Thank you daddy!" Megan said.

"Your mum is going to be in bed for a little longer. She's pretty tired" I said.

"I understand" Megan smiled.

"We will give you you're presents later tonight as well" I said.

Megan laughed.

"Alright go have fun. Love you, be safe" I said.

"Love you daddy" Megan said running off.

I turned around and looked at Ana.

"I'm happy you came. I'm sorry for what I did. I was just a little pissed off" I said.

"Who isn't pissed off at him. I would love if he was dead. But now because I am pregnant I don't like the idea of my baby with no dad" Ana said.

"Alright I'll see you again" I said walking away.

"Yep. I'll see you" Ana said.

I walked past more people. I saw Alleigh and Anastasia talking to each other. Alleigh and Anastasia were both laughing and smiling. I saw Megan running around and annoying everyone like normal. I stood still and leaned against the wall of a building. I watched everyone laughing and smiling. It made me feel happy as well. That all these people are together. We are all trying to get to the same point, and that's creating a future just like before. I was about to start walking around again to do some chores around the school when someone hugged me from behind. As soon as I felt the hug I knew it was Hunter straight away.

"Morning" Hunter said.

"Morning" I said kissing Hunters hand.

I turned around to face her. I kissed her on her lips.

"Where's the birthday girl?" Hunter asked.

"She's running around here somewhere" I said.

"She going crazy again?" Hunter asked.

"She's crazy every day. Except for night time" I said.

"What do you think she's going to think about her birthday presents?" Hunter asked.

"Well I hope she likes them" I said.

"Yeah. She better" Hunter said.

I heard running behind me. I turned around and saw Jeremy running up to us.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Heath. He's coming early. He said he will be here in five minutes" Jeremy said.

"Shit! Everyone get into position Heath's coming early!" I yelled.

Jeremy passed me my AK-47 and I quickly ran to the car park and drove the cars in a few places around the carpark for cover. Everyone ran behind all the cars and were ready to attack. The only person out was Jeremy who was opening the gate. I kissed Hunter quickly.

"Hunter I wish you didn't fight" I said as she stood next to me.

"I have to. We need all the people we can get" Hunter said.

It went quiet. All you could hear was a few Walkers walking on the road. It felt like we were waiting forever. But finally I could hear trucks in the distance driving towards us. We all ducked down further and waited for Jeremy to shoot first. That was our cue. I could hear the trucks at the gate.

"Here we are fuckers!" Heath yelled.

The gates opened. I looked underneath the car. I then looked at Hunter she had smoke bombs next to her. She was ready to throw them.

"Where the hell is everyone?" Heath asked.

"Hunter. Ready. Wait. Wait. Now!" I yelled.

Hunter threw a smoke bomb and shortly everyone threw there smoke bombs. Jeremy closed the gate and they were now trapped in the carpark. I quickly stood up and started to shoot at them. Everyone joined in. I saw Heath's people jumping out of the back of the truck. I shot at them and quickly took them out.

"Does anyone see Heath?!" I yelled out to everyone.

"No!" Someone yelled.

We all slowly all moved in towards the trucks. Then suddenly people came running out of the truck shooting at us. One of Heath's men was running towards me. He shot at me. I quickly jumped for cover. But I was to late. He shot my fake foot. I looked down and saw a hole through it.

"Sam! Are you ok?" Hunter asked. running over to me.

"Hunter Wait!" I yelled.

I quickly looked over the car and shot at the guy. I killed him. Then suddenly the truck reversed with speed. The truck smashed through the gate and quickly turned around. I ran over to a car and quickly got into it. I slammed the door closed.

"Where are you going?!" Jeremy asked.

I quickly drove forward and out through the gate to follow the truck. I stayed far behind. My walkie talkie buzzed. I picked it up.

"Sam! What the hell are you doing?!" Jeremy said.

"I'm gonna follow them to find out where their hide out is. I'm keeping a far distance behind" I said.

"Ok. Just be safe" Jeremy said.

I followed them for about twenty five minutes when I saw them stop. They quickly turned left. I then looked ahead and noticed that they stopped in the Entertainment Centre. I then quickly turned around and I headed back towards Underdale. When I arrived the gate was smashed down. I drove in quickly then got out. I saw Hunter running towards me.

"Are you ok?" Hunter asked hugging me.

"I'm fine" I said.

I walked into Underdale seeing a few people being tended to from injuries.

"Did you find where they stay?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, in the Entertainment Centre" I said.

"Oh. Really. I've never been there before" Hunter said.

Hunter went silent. I knew something was up but I didn't want to bring it up.

"Sam. Just wait a moment. I need to tell you something. Something that might be a bit bad at first but then you will get used to the idea" Hunter smiled.

She handed me a white rectangular object. It looked kind of like a thermometer. She gave it to me and I read what it said. On the right of it, it said Pregnancy Aid +. I then fanned across it. I saw a positive symbol.

"What does that mean? Are. You. Pregnant?" I said slowly.

"I am pregnant" Hunter smiled.

I stopped and thought about it for a second. Brining a new born into this life. But then I remembered. I've always wanted my own son or daughter.

"Is it mine?" I said.

"Of course it is. One hundred percent" Hunter said.

"We're having a baby. Ha. I love you so much Hunter" I said hugging Hunter.

"You're happy?" Hunter said surprised.

"At first its scary. But. I think it would be good for us, and also I've always wanted a son or a daughter. So. I am happy" I said hugging Hunter tighter.

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