Chapter 12

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I stayed up the entire night. Thinking about what I should do. It was early in the morning but it was still kinda dark. I got out of bed and got dressed. For Megan's birthday we got her a new room for herself. So now Hunter and I have a little privacy. I put on my holster and walked outside.

There was only two people walking around. Everyone else was a sleep. I walked over to the infirmary. I picked up my AK-47 and walked to the gate. Jeremy must of taken a quick break because he wasn't up in the guard tower. I opened the gate slowly and got into a car. I drove out then quickly closed the gate. I got back into the car and headed towards Hindmarsh Stadium. Once I arrived I parked the car out front of the Stadium. I waited for the sun to rise. While I was waiting I watched Walkers walk past me. I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up quickly and looked around. I saw a Walker at my window. I winded the window down a little and took the Walker out. Heat quickly came into the car. It felt like it was about fourty-one degrees Celsius. It was now bright. I got out of the car and took out my AK-47 while wiping sweat off from my head. I walked over to the gate and took out my hatchet. I started to hit the gate as hard as I could to attract the Walkers over to me.

"take his car... we will need it... ill meet you at the meeting point" I heard someone whispering behind me.

I quickly took out my revolver. I couldn't really make out what they said. But I swear I heard someone. I looked around for a little bit but I couldn't see anyone. I tuned back around and tried to make as much noise as possible again. I then saw the horde coming towards me. I slashed at the lock. It took two hits and it finally broke open. I turned around to get into the car but I saw someone inside it. They quickly drove away. I quickly grabbed my revolver and aimed at him. A Walker came at me. I quickly stepped backwards. The Walker fell over and I took it out. I turned around and saw the horde rushing out of the Stadium.

"Shit" I said.

I have to walk the entire way in fourty degree heat. I slowly started to walk while looking back to see if the horde was following me. The horde was still following me so I continued to walk following the route. The heat deflected from the ground to me. I started to sweat even more. All I could think about was who took my car. Was it one of Heath's people.

I kept walking. From the distance I could see the cars all lined up. I quickly sprinted towards them. I opened the door and turned the key. The car didn't start. I looked at the petrol metre and it was all the way at low. I punched the wheel and got out of the car with frustration. I looked at the car and noticed there was a gun hole in the side of the car where the petrol tank was. The car was shot on purpose. The two other cars were shot as well. I turned around and saw the horde quickly gaining up on me. I was exhausted from running to the cars that I started to get a little dizzy and light headed. I looked through the car quickly for water but I only found an empty water bottle. I chucked the bottle onto the floor and continued to lead the horde towards the Entertainment Centre.

The horde was beginning to get very close. As I kept walking down the street I was slowly getting slower and slower from exhaustion. I was also slowly beginning to find it hard to breath. The Walkie Talkie buzzed which was clipped to my holster.

"We have a missing personnel. Everyone please look around for Sam. He has gone missing. Keep your eyes open for him" Jeremy said on the Walkie Talkie.

I went to take it out from my holster but I dropped it onto the floor. I leaned down to pick it up.

"I'm... fine. I'm ok" I said into the walkie talkie.

"Where are you? You don't sound to good" Jeremy said.

"I'm leading the .... the horde .... tto the Entertainment Centre" I said trying my hardest to breath.

"By yourself!? Are you crazy!?" Jeremy yelled.

"Maybe" I said.

"Sam! What the hell are you doing?!" Hunter yelled into the Walkie Talkie.

"I'm .... ok. I can do it by myself. I don't want ... anyone risking their lives" I said.

"You sound exhausted what's happening!?" Hunter asked.

"Someone took my car. I had to walk" I said.

"In this heat! I'm coming to help you" Hunter said.

"No! Don't! Please! Don't come. I .. I can do this .. alone" I said getting even dizzier.

"No you can't you need help" Hunter said.

"Keep the baby safe. Don't come" I said.

"Baby?" Jeremy asked.

"Well then Jeremy can go" Hunter said.

"No. Just me. I'm fine" I said almost tripping over.

I looked in front of me and saw my car. I saw someone sitting on the bonnet smoking. I quickly started to run towards him. I lost my breath quickly and jumped for him pushing him onto the ground. I knocked him out with my gun and tied him up. I put him in the back of the car and quickly got into the front. The Walkers quickly surrounded us. I quickly grabbed my water bottle and drank the whole bottle.

"I'm ok. I found the car. I also got a prisoner" I said.

I turned the car on and quickly drove through the Walkers. I drove down the road slowly while the horde was following. I turned left towards the Entertainment Centre. I drove by it and threw a firecracker near the gate. I saw a few guards run out. I quickly stepped on the accelerator and headed back towards Underdale.

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