Chapter 1

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Mal, Eville, Jay, and Carol were shocked. They found out they were transferred to another school, they are about to go to... Auradon Prep. The school for commoners and royalty. Mal said that he didn't want to attend this goody two shoes school.

Well, except for Eville, he found out that beautiful princesses in Auradon. Jay stated that she's not good with uniform. She didn't like wearing skirts when going to school. Carol had a phobia of dogs when her father told her that dogs were vicious.

Mal agreed as he said, "Yeah, Dad. We're NOT going!"

"Oh, you're thinking small, my boy," said Maleficent. "It's about WORLD DOMINATION."

And then, they all went to Mal's house to discuss the evil plan to take over Auradon.

"You will go. You will find the Fairy Godfather and get me his magic wand," explained Maleficent lying back against the chair and his feet were on the rails. "See? Piece of cake."

"What's in for us?" asked Mal.

Maleficent gave a moment of thought as he answered, "Matching thrones, crowns, servants..."

"Actually, he meant us." Carol pointed at herself and her friends as she correctly said to him.

Maleficent sighed as he spoke with his son, "It's all about you and me, kid. Do you enjoy suffering innocent people?"

"Well, yeah. Duh! I'm evil! Like you, dad." Mal answered as if it was obivous.

"Well, then get me the wand!" Maleficent explained his dark goal to everyone, "And you and I can see all that and so much. And with that wand and my staff, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

"Our will?" The Evil King reminded Maleficent about sharing his will with him, Cruelle, and Jafarah.

"Our will, our will," Maleficent corrected himself as if he almost forgot about the other three. He snapped his finger to make Mal pay attention to him. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, boy."

Mal became shocked that his father was going to punish him if he refuse to go to Auradon Prep to steal the magic wand.

"What?! Dad..."

Maleficent silenced as he didn't want a complaint from Mal and then began to have a staring contest with him.

Their eyes began to glow green as they stared at each other. Silence appeared during the staring battle of father and son. It was so intense as Mal was unable to make his undefeated father to blink.

He lost as he blinked his eyes in defeat as he groaned, "Fine! Whatever!"

"I win."

"Eville. Come, my evil boy in training."

Eville went to sit with his father as he began his training.

"I am so happy with you. You're going to find yourself a princess with a big castle," said the Evil King, so glad to see his son going to Auradon. "And a father-in-law wing."

Eville joined his father in unison as they said, "And lots and lots of mirrors!"

Eville giggled in joy, but the Evil King stopped him, "Stop. No laughing. Wrinkles."

"Well, in that case, I will not let my little girl go to Auradon," explained Cruelle, refusing to let Carol to leave the Isle of the Lost. "Because I'm going to miss her too much."

"Really? You're going to miss me, Dad?" surprised Carol.

"Yes. Who's going to help me do some shopping? Fluff my fur? And organize my closet filled so many fur coats?"

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