Chapter 2

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The four VKs had arrived and the students, the marching band, you, a male classmate besides you, and Fairy Godfather were standing at the entrance at the Auradon Prep. You couldn't wait to meet the VKs until you noticed Jay and Carol fighting over some stuffs they kinda stole.

"Girls, girls! We have an audience." Mal gestured Jay and Carol to see you, your classmate, the Fairy Godfather.

Jay gave a sheepishly smile at the Fairy Godfather.

"Just clean it up." she said as she laughed a little before helping Carol to stand on her feet.

"Leave it where you found it," sang Fairy Godfather before explaining what he meant. "And by that, I mean just leave it."

Jay and Carol put the stuff they stole back as they threw them inside the limo. Jay then met your classmate as she became attracted to his handsome looks.

"Well, hello handsome!" Jay began to introduce yourself, "Hi. I'm Jay. What's your name?"

He chuckled a little as if he was not interested talking to Jay since she's a VK.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." welcomed Fairy Godfather. He introduced himself, "I'm Fairy Godfather, the headmaster of this school."

"The Fairy Godfather?" Mal replied in question. "As in, 'Bibbidi bobbidi boo!'"

"Bibbidi bobbidi boo! Indeed!"

Mal then explained about wondering how Cinderellan felt when Fairy Godfather appeared out of nowhere with his magic wand and a gentle smile. He even repeated mentioning, his magic wand.

"Oh, that was a long time ago. And as I always say: Don't focus on the past, focus on the future."

You began to greet the VKs, "It's very nice you all. My name's (Y/n)."

"Princess (Y/n)," corrected your classmate. "Sooner or later, she's going to be Queen of Auradon!"

"You had me at princess." stated Eville as he introduced himself, "I'm Eville. My father's a king and that makes me a prince."

"The Evil King has no status here in Auradon. And neither do you..." he said as if he didn't like Eville and his father.

"Anyway... This is Austin." You introduced the VKs to your classmate Austin.

"Prince Austin," corrected Austin. "Princess (Y/n)'s boyfriend. Right, cupcake?"

"Yeah..." You reluctantly agreed as you secretly claimed that you and Austin weren't actually in a relationship.

"(Y/n) and Austin will show you all around. As I always say, the doors of wisdom always open for all people! See you tomorrow." Fairy Godfather left with the marching band.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all." You began to shake hands with Jay first, but...

"Shake my hand and you'll regret it." warned Jay as if she didn't like shaking hands.


You then shook hands with Carol, only to see chocolate on your hands.

"Guess you love the compliment candy." You stated, knowing that Carol had a big sweet tooth.

You licked your fingers and then shook your hands with Eville. And last but not least, you finally shook hands with Mal.

Suddenly, you suddenly Shockley noticed upon meeting Mal. Mal almost looked like the boy in your dreams. No mistaken. Purple hair and ash gray eyes. It was really Mal in your dreams.

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