Chapter 5

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The Tourney game had come and Jay and her team will be competing against the opposing team from another school.

Before that event after school, Austin began to talk with you during lunch.

Austin began to ask you about the girls with new hairstyles. You told them that Mal was the one who gave the girls newer and cooler hairstyles.

"He did it with John's hair too. Fairy Godfather's not happy about it," Austin stated.

"What's the harm?" You asked.

"It's gateway magic. Sure it's with the hair. Next thing might be the lips and the legs." Austin continued on and on and stopped as if he realised something. "If everyone likes Mal so much... he's going to be more popular than I am!"

"Listen, Austin. The girls likes Mal just because he's giving them new hairstyles. Mal wasn't trying to replace you for being popular." You reassured Austin.

"Well, I guess you're right," Austin sighed in relief that there's nothing to worry about Mal trying to replace him for the popularity. "At least you didn't ask Mal for your new hairstyle or something."

You realised that Austin didn't know that Mal actually gave you a new hairstyle.

"Uh... Austin. You're right, I didn't ask Mal for my new hairstyle." You began to frown as you said, "But..."

"But...?" replied Austin.

"I met Mal at the library the other day. And then... he gave me a special hairstyle."

Austin's light brown eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe what you just said.

"WHAT?! Mal gave you a new hairstyle." he shouted

"Well, I love what Mal gave me, but he didn't do anything harm on me." You told Austin that Mal didn't do anything worse on him.

"But I don't like Mal. I bet he might want you to be his girlfriend," Austin stated as he didn't like Mal, not one bit. "I have to go. I need to get ready for the game after school. Hope to see you and your cheer-leading performance."

"Okay. See you there." You watched Austin left as you sighed to yourself.

Austin realised that he was just jealous of Mal. Sure, Mal heard you singing at the library. You spoke with him. Even you both told each other your dreams.

Suddenly, you thought of Mal. For some reasons, you might have feelings for him. You couldn't believe what were you thinking. You were like your mother when she was like your age. She fell in love with your father as a beast. Now, you somehow fell in love with Mal, a VK. Talk about Beauty and the VK!

And then, you heard someone greeting you, "Hey, (Y/n)."

You turned around to see Mal.

"Hey, Mal!"

"I have something for you." Mal took a bag of cookies and gave it to you.


"Yeah. I think you like chocolate chip cookies."

"Thanks, they're my favourite." You took them from Mal and began to try them.

But you stopped as you wondered something. You asked, "You didn't put anything in it? Like these cookies are poisoned?"

"Nope. I didn't put anything harm in it." Mal said, as if he was telling the truth. Except he actually put a love spell on the cookies.

"Okay." You were glad that the cookies weren't made with poison or sleeping powers. You started to eat the cookie.

Male Mal x  Princess Reader DescendentWhere stories live. Discover now