Chapter 7

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The people at the party on Family Day watched the performance of yours with your friends; Austin, Chloe, Dottie, and Lonnie were also part of the performance.

"Ladies and gentleman. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you today. And now, we invite you to relax and listen to our song. As the party for Family Day proudly presents... your lunch!"

You began to sing "Be Our Guest". They began to dance while watching your performance. Fairy Godfather was having a fun time while dancing with his son, much to John's embarrassment.

The VKs finally arrived at the party, dressing all formal for the important event.

After the performance, your parents gave you hugs and praised your talent on the performance.

"You did lovely, Bella." Belle said as she gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, Mom."

"That's my girl." Your father praised you as he was proud of you.

You joined your parents for a family photo as the photographer was with your parents.

"Ready?" asked the photographer.

"Hey, I got some good news to tell you," You said as you told them, "I got a new boyfriend."

"Good. I can't trust Austin, to be honest. He's very obsessed with you..." Your father stated.

"Don't worry, papa. I think you love my new boyfriend. Trust me."

"Where is he?" asked Belle.

"Let's see... Oh! There he is!" You waved at Mal, who waved you back.

Your parents became speechless as they realised you're dating with a VK boyfriend. With that, your family photo became an EPIC failure. You were the only one who smiled while your parents were not.

"Mal! You finally came." You quickly gave Mal a hug as he hugged you back.

"Hey, I got something for you." Mal explained as he took his hand from behind.

You became surprised to see a bouquet lavenders. You couldn't believe that Mal gave you your favourite flower.

"Oh! Mal, you remembered my favourite flower. Thank you," You then gave Mal a kiss on the cheek. You guided Mal to meet your parents. "Mom, Dad. Meet Mal. Mal, my parents."

Mal gave a bow to the King and Queen of Auradon.

"Hi." Belle greeted as if she was still unsure about Mal being your boyfriend.

I mean sure. Mal is... the son of the wicked master of EVIL!!!

"I thought he can join us for lunch." You suggested.

"Of...course." Beast replied, agreeing with you. He secretly worried about you as he knew that maybe Mal is no good as your boyfriend. "Any of (Y/n)'s friends."

"Actually, I came here with my friends." Mal mentioned Eville, Carol, and Jay.

"Well, you should invite them." suggested Belle.

And so, the four VKs were invited a game of croquet. Normal croquet, I mean. Not a Wonderland style where you used hedgehogs as balls and flamingos as croquet mallet.

Mal waited for his turn as he was standing besides the two elderly two kings. The tall king noticed Mal and greeted him, "Hello there."

"Hey." Mal greeted the tall king as he held the croquet mallet.

"Excuse me. I hate to ask you, but have we met?" he asked.

"Umm... No, not really," Mal answered, honest. "Just a new kid in Auradon."

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