Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Sam's investigation led us to a parking lot where a bus sat. The area was marked off with yellow tape and multiple police officers and army personnel are scattered around.

Dean, Sam, and I are dressed in our professional wear, hoping to get through these people without any problems.

"Oh, God. This place reeks of sulfur," Sam says as we climb out of the Impala.

"Between the stink, with the freak thunderstorms, and every cow dead within three miles, I'll take demons for $1000, Alex," Dean says. We make out way past the yellow tape and towards the bus only for a Sergeant to step in out way. Dean, Sam, and I reveal out badges while Dean talks, "Hey. Agents Stark, Romanoff and Banner, FBI. Just need to have a look around."

The Sergeant looks confused as she studies us, "Why? This is a military case, not a federal one."

"Well, that's not what our supervisor said," Sam said with a shrug, looking like a man who is just following orders.

Not one bit convinced, the Sergeant looks at Sam, "That so? Then maybe him and I oughta have a chat."

I hold back an eye roll towards this lady, already getting annoyed.

"Okay," Dean says, taking out his phone and dialing a number. He holds it up to his ear, talking like he's talking to his boss but in reality is probable talking to Kevin. "Hey, boss, uh... we got a little problem here."

He pauses, "Yeah, just a local badge needs confirmation we're supposed to be here. How the word came down from FBI headquarters in DC."

Another pause, "Yeah," He says before handing the phone over to the Sergeant. She takes it, eyeing Dean for a second before holding it up to her ear.

"This is Sargent Miranda Bates, who am I talking to?"

Dean, Sam, and I watch as she talks to Kevin, at first not one bit convinced before her expression changes to shocked. She ends the conversation with Kevin before shoving the phone in my direction and stalks off uncomfortable.

I race to hold the phone to my ears, "Kevin? What the hell did you just do?"

"All military computers are linked to the same network," Kevin says. Sam looks at me and mouths "are we good" making me nod. Sam and Dean walk off while I hang back and stay on the phone, slightly confused by his previous words, "And?"

"I hacked it," Kevin said.

A smile crosses my face and I nod impressively, "Good job, Kevin." With that I hang up the phone and join Sam and Dean on the bus. A few dead men lay in their seats on the bus, Dean and Sam checking them over.

"Hey. Anything?"

"Yeah, this guy was shot in the heart," Sam says, gesturing to the man he was just looking at.

"Is that what killed him?" I asked, shocked to think a demon would just leave a body because their meatsuit died.

Sam shrugged, slightly confused, "Yeah, fifteen, twenty years ago. Every one of these bodies has a fatal wound, or two, or three, but they're all old."

Dean walked up to us from the back of the bus, "So we're looking at meatsuits? The bodies took a licking, and the demons inside kept them ticking."

Nodding, Sam said with a huff, "Probably. I think they were possessed. And now those soldiers are."

The Sergeant suddenly enters, making me grow irritated. She better have something good because if she mentions that we're not supposed to be here again then I'm bitching this lady out.

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