The Emergency

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In the middle of the night
20 October 2018

"Aaliyah!" I called out in pain, grasping tightly onto the bed sheets.

"El, you ok?" Aaliyah rushed over to my side of the bed.

"Liyah, I think I'm bleeding!" I whimpered, curling up on the bed in pain.

"Oh my gosh! We need to get you to the hospital!" Aaliyah quickly helped me onto my feet, grabbing my phone and car keys from the bedside table.

"Liyah, I can't walk! It's too painful." I recoiled on the floor, seeing red stains on the white sheets.

"El, I need you to walk. You and your baby are in danger. We need to get you to the hospital now."

Determined, I stood up, Aaliyah's arm around my waist and my arm resting on her shoulder.

"You're so close, El. Just a few more steps." Aaliyah opened the car door, helping me into the passenger seat.

"Wait Liyah, you can't drive. You haven't even got your license yet." I said, taking deep breaths.

"Whatever. This is more important." Aaliyah put her foot on the pedal, reversing out of the garage.

"What's the closest hospital, El?" Aaliyah turned the steering wheel aggressively, turning onto the street.

"Princeton Hospital. It's next to the small supermarket." I managed to say though the increasing pain.

"Liyah, we need to get there quick." I looked down at my now soaked pyjama pants.

"Don't worry, I'm driving as fast as I can. We'll be there soon."

After several chaotic minutes of driving, Aaliyah stopped the car at the entrance to the hospital, running over to my side of the car.

"Ok, El. Just a few steps and we're there." Aaliyah helped me out of the car, guiding us to the receptionist.

"My sister-in-law is bleeding! She's 6 weeks pregnant." Aaliyah almost shouted. The receptionist arubtly stood up, nodding before rushing off. She came back with a wheelchair, helping me sit down.

The receptionist whispered something to Aaliyah before I was whisked away.

~A few hours later~

"Hey, you doing ok?" I opened my eyes, hearing a familiar voice. Shawn was sitting in the chair next to me, rubbing my hand.

"Why are you here?" I asked, looking around me, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"You're in the hospital, baby." Shawn kissed me on the forehead. Suddenly, memories of the night before rushed back.

"Is the baby ok?" I sat up, wincing at the slight pain.

"They managed to save the baby just in time. The baby's healthy and doing fine. You were bleeding and Aaliyah took you here last night, remember?"

Relieved, I took a breath that I seemed to have been holding in for what seemed like forever.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I should have been here with you." He took my hand in his. I could see the guilt in his eyes.

"It's ok. As long as the baby's fine." I looked down at my stomach rubbing it gently, knowing that our baby was safe.

There was a gentle knock on the door, followed by Andrew, Teddy and Josiah entering the room.

"Hey Elodie, are you ok? Teddy asked, leaning in for a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for visiting."

"Thanks for coming, man." Shawn said, doing one of those man hug things to Andrew and Josiah, Teddy receiving a hug and peck on the cheek.

"No worries, as long as Elodie's ok." Josiah said, pecking me on the cheek.

"Sorry that we took Shawn away." Andrew said, awkwardly shoving his hands into his pockets.

"No one planned for it to happen. Luckily Aaliyah was here to help me. Speaking of Aaliyah, where is she?" I asked, looking at Shawn from my hospital bed.

"Mum dropped her back home. She was pretty tired."

"Poor Aaliyah. She must have been so stressed." I grabbed my phone, typing a quick text to her, telling her how grateful I was for getting me to the hospital.

  @shawnmendes instagram

  @shawnmendes instagram

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shelodie oh my gosh!! what's going on?! hope elodie's ok

shawnieboy we're here for you shawn


camila_cabello stay safe shawn and elodie 💖

mrsmendes nooo I've been waiting so long for the festival

mendeslover make sure you return to Brazil!!!

A/n Thank you for reading this chapter! Make sure to comment, vote and share! If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to leave them in the comments.
Simplicute x

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