Gender Reveal

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"Shawn, we're late! Aaliyah just texted saying that everyone's already there!" I said, opening the front door.

"I'm coming! Why don't you get in the car first?" I shouted a quick ok before getting into the passengers seat.

"Sorry, I couldn't find my watch." Shawn smirked, getting into the car.

"Really?" I buckled my seat belt, not fully convinced.

As we pulled up to Shawn's parents house, there were already several cars parked outside. We quickly got out of the car, ringing the doorbell.

"You ready to find out the gender of our baby?" Shawn asked, finding my hand.

"So ready. I don't know how people can wait till the baby's born!" I replied, the door opening to be greeted by Aaliyah.

"Guys you're late to your own gender reveal party!" She said, quickly hurrying us in. Shawn and I chucked. We'd never seen Aaliyah so stressed before.

The small living room was filled with people. All Shawn's team were there including Teddy, Josiah, Matt and Andrew. All of our close friends and Shawn's extended family had come as well.

I wish Kylie and Mum could come, I thought to myself. I quickly pushed away the thought, distracting myself with the decorated room.

There were loads of pink and blue balloons scattered around the house, the dining table covered with party food. Everyone was wearing the colour they thought the gender of the baby was, an equal amount of pink and blue filling the room. I wore my baby pink dress while Shawn wore his light blue shirt. Shawn knew that I really wanted a girl, but I kept denying it saying that I'd be happy with a boy even though deep inside he was right.

We quickly said our hellos to everyone before Aaliyah hurried us to the front of the room. She handed us two long white cylinders with our names on it.

"Thank you guys all for coming! So on the count of three Shawn and Elodie will pop these confetti poppers. Inside is confetti that is the colour of the baby's gender. Is everybody ready?"

Everyone shouted a quick yes, starting the countdown.

"Three, two, one!" Shawn and I pulled on the long string, pink confetti filling the room.

"We're having a girl!" I screamed, running into Shawn's arms.

He smiled down at me, before taking a step away from me.

"I would also just like to say a huge thank you to my wife." Shawn announced to the room, taking the bouquet of roses that Josiah was holding.

"I know it's not easy being pregnant. You've been through so much El and I wanted to say thank you." Shawn handed me the bouquet of roses, everyone clapping and cheering.

I could feel tears threatening to spill down my face. He was so sweet.

"So that's why you took so long to get ready this morning," I smirked, looking up at him as he gave me a hug. He nodded, grinning.

"Congratulations!" Teddy ran over, joining our hug.

"Thank you, Teddy!" I said, thankful for Shawn's friends. We pulled away, Shawn and I making our way around the room to properly saying hello to everyone.

"I knew you guys were having a girl." Karen hugged me, smiling.

"Thank you so much for helping organise this!" I replied, rubbing my baby bump. She nodded, Manny joining her side.

"Congratulations, El!" Aaliyah said, giving me a hug.

"Aw thanks Liyah! Were you excited when you found out we were having a girl?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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