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"(Y/N)!" My best friend was yelling and pestering me for missing a shot on goal. I hated it when we blamed each other for missing shots. It was bothersome to say the least. 

"DAMNIT!" I yelled out at the end of practice, "how are we even supposed to beat them if I keep missing my shots." I finshed my sentence after putting on my clothes.

"Y'know (Y/N), you act completely different outside of class when your on the Soccer field." Atsuko, who was a defender on our team said.

"Yah! You act so happy and entergetic all the time in class, but then in practice you do a 180* and become serious." My best friend, Mimi followed behind me as we left to go to class. We had practice in the morning and afternoon, which left us barely any time to do homework. Atsuko Hoshido and Mimi Nino are my closest friends. Mimi is more like me when I'm inside of class with a more perky and entergetic attidude. While, Atsuko is on the other side of the spectrum. Atsuko was serious all the time, but she does have her emotional moments.

"Guys, as captain of the women's soccer team, I think we should be practicing more..." I spoke up after thinking for so long.

"EH!" Mimi shouted, "but that leaves me like no time for homework!" Atsuko nodded in agreement to this. We entered class and it ended as quickly as it started. We walked out of the class as soon as the bell rang for lunch period when we heard screams.

"AH~!" A few girls down the hallways were giggling and screaming to get someone's attention.

"Oh fuck....not this again." this was quite a frequent occurrence here in Aoba Johsai. A boy would walk around like he owns the place and every girl would just kneel before him. That someone being Oikawa Tooru. A.K.A My mortal enemy from the spawn of hell.

"EEK~" I heard Mimi blush and fidget around. of my best friend's crushes. I groaned externally.

"That guy is insufferable!" I shouted out, which caught everyone's attention. I quickly covered my mouth in shock of the sudden volume change in my voice. Oikawa's chocolate brown eyes gazed at me. shit....I saw him smirk and make his way through the large crowd towards me with Iwaizumi shortly following behind with his usual stoic expression. 

"Well, well~ if it isn't (Y/N)-chan~" He coed in an almost sickeningly sweet voice. 

"Save it Oikawa." I glared at him and tried to walked away. 

"Wha~?! (Y/N)-Chan you're so mean~!" He responded dramatically to gain everyone's pity. This guy...

"Wow, what a bitch..." I heard a few people start to whisper and murmur around me. Damnit.... Oikawa gave me a sadistic look in his eye for a split second until he reverted by to his ridiculous fake smile. I spun on my heels again to walk away until I heard something that majorly pissed me off.

"Don't worry guys! (L/N)-Chan is just having a rough time with the soccer team! It  has to be difficult to deal with such horrible players afterall~!" I turned around again and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"YOU ASSHOLE! WHY DON'T YOU SAY THAT TO MY FACE?!" I shouted and wrestled with him for a while. My friends and Iwaizumi managed to pull me off of him. 

"(Y/N)! Tooru! Stop it!" Iwaizumi shouted

Everyone in the hallway was in complete shock. "Listen Trashykawa..." I stated in a low and ominous tone, "you can diss me all you want, but NEVER talk shit about my team again!" I shouted at him and turned my back to him for the final time. I was so mad I didn't even notice I was storming out of the school and heading towards the soccer field. My friends shortly caught up with me.

"(Y/N)!" Mimi shouted to me almost out of breath, " Wait....up....!" She finally caught up and placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Atsuko was trailing swiftly behind her.

"(Y/N), what happened out there?" Atsuko said, getting straight to the point. "You weren't acting like yourself..." I sighed knowing she was right, but the reasons were just a blur. 

"Yeah! Why do you hate Oikawa-kun so much?" Mimi said with a flustered tone.

"Fine....I'll tell you..." I groaned in defeat to my friends' interrogation methods. "Tooru, Hajime, and I are...we're......." the words failed to come out as I felt a gag reflex at the thought of it. "childhoodfriends...." I said in a sped up mumbled tone so they wouldn't be able to hear me. I looked down to hide my blushing coming from my embarrassment, but it was quite obvious that it wasn't working. It took a few more seconds for them to process what I just said.



Oh boy, first chapter :) 

Welcome new readers, I dunno if this story will continue or be popular at some point and depending on that will be when I update. if there's a high demand for another chapter then i will be updating more frequently, but if there isn't then I won't update as often or update at all.

Thanks for reading!

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