ch. 7: Teacher's Pet

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For the rest of the day, I was stuck thinking about what happened with me and Tooru. I want to believe that was his way to tell me that he still loves me, or at least want to be friends. Alas, that's too unrealistic, even for me. It's not as if I have anything else to think about.

"(Y/N)!" The teacher yelled.

I stood up firmly with my voice quivering from the sudden outburst, "Y-yes?"

"I've been calling your name for a while; it seems as if only yelling will get your attention," he quipped.

"Yes, Mr. Hiroshima...." I sat back down, mortified from the public humiliation I had just experienced. I just want to go to bed already. My teacher, Mr. Hiroshima, was one of the younger teachers at our school. He had just recently turned 30, and had just recently gotten married. That doesn't really stop every girl who goes through the 'guys my age never understand me faze' from wanting him though; which is like 95% of our school's female population. I mean, I didn't dislike him. In fact, we always have some really good discussions talking about world history, which was always something I've been interested in.

"All right class, the school bell will ring in the next 5 minutes. Go ahead and chat while I prepare for next period, and don't forget about studying for the exams next month." I give a big exasperated sigh; not really wanting to talk to anyone since neither Mimi or Atsuko was in this class. I used to be very popular with everyone, until I had my big run in with Oikawa-kun.

"Ms.(L/N), please see me after class." My head jolted up from it's place on my desk. Why would he need to see me? Is this about the homework I haven't turned in? Or me sleeping in class? The school bell rang, and since this was 7th period, everyone flooded out to do what they wanted to do. I walked up to his desk and waited for him to address me.

"Ah, (Y/N), have a seat." I sat down rigidly, and I couldn't help my stomach churn from the anxiety of having one of the most attractive teachers in our school lecture me on my academics. "I've noticed that you hadn't been doing some of your homework; can I get a reason why?"

I whispered under my breath, "I knew it," to which he gave an amused smirk to. "I've just been going through some issues going on at home," I lied.

"Well, if that's the case, then you'll just have to stay after school and make up the homework here, under my supervision of course." I felt my eyebrow twitch in annoyance.

"Wow, thank you Mr. Hiroshima, I'm so glad you're letting me bring up my grade!" My smile should have been made out of plastic because how fake it is most of the time.

"No worries (Y/N)," he smiled at me and grabbed my right hand. "I'm so glad that you've been put in my class."  I couldn't help but get giddy from all the attention I'm currently getting from him. I knew this was the reason why all the girls loved him, and all the guys respected him. I could tell he really loved teaching.

"Am I interrupting something?" Oikawa stood in the doorway, with the once closed door now open.

Mr. Hiroshima dropped my hand, "No, not at all." He looked as if he was caught in an indecent act. I couldn't blame him though, since some people would jump to conclusions if they saw the way we had just interacted.

"Well, I has just come to pick MY girlfriend, and take her to watch my volleyball practice." Tooru crossed his arms and looked as if he was a spoiled child who didn't know how to share his toys.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N) after class to make up that missing homework." I smiled and thanked him, then turned around to leave with Tooru.

Once we left the room, Tooru suddenly stopped in the hallway. "What was up with you getting all cozy with Mr. Hiroshima?"

I shrug, "he was just talking to me about homework make up, and then grabbed my hand to compliment me."

"You do know he's married right?" Poison was laced in his tone, as I spun around on my heel.

"Yes, I know." I glared.

"And that doesn't stop you from flirting with him?"

"What's that's supposed to mean!?" I spouted out like a boiling tea pot.

"I think you know what that means. Just try not to used your whorish ways on him and get him divorced and fired from his job," he began walking again and bumped into my shoulder. Flustered and enraged by his audacity, I didn't know what else to do but to curse him out.

"You mother fucker... do you really want to start this? I would cut your balls off, but then I remember you don't have any. So instead, I'll just punch your ovaries." He spun around to glare at me, but in one swift movement, I kicked him right in the dick. He knelt down holding his groin in agony.

"You bitch..." I saw a few tears squir out of his eyes and smirked.

"What was that? I couldn't hear it over your crying." He then tackled me and brought me against the hard tile to pin me down. I his face was red, and huffing with his nose running. He just pinned me down, so then I began fighting for the freedom I so desperately wanted.

"Tooru! I hate you so god damn much!  LET ME GO!" I began kicking and just as I was about to scream for help, he covered my mouth more gently than expected. No matter what I did I couldn't break free, so instead I began to have a mental breakdown. As much as I didn't want him to see me cry, I could've help but give in to the desire of letting out my emotions.
"Tooru," I whailed. "Please let me go..." I was embarrassed by how weak I was acting. The tears were spilling down my face, while my nose was running; which was quite an ugly sight. If only I could just beat him up and look like a bad ass while doing it, but instead of a cringy fan fiction, I'm in real life.

He lifted his head up from the crook of my neck, which he had placed there earlier in our spat. I saw that he had been crying as well, but I couldn't tell if it was him crying from the pain of my kick or something else. "(Y/N)...I'm sorry.." my eyes widened in slight shock. " I'm sorry that I accused you of being a homewrecker and a whore.. I shouldn't have done that." He lifted his hands from my wrists, causing my constraints to be non existent. But I didn't fight back anymore, all I wanted to do is hold him close to me so that way we could both make an attempt to heal the hurting we had caused each other both mentally and physically. I knew that we could never be together, but I knew that deep in my heart I still loved him.

"I'm sorry Tooru...I shouldn't have made it physical and escalated it. I'm so sorry..." I gripped his chocolates brown hair gently and pulled him in for a hug. We laid there on the floor, cuddling in each other's chests for a few minutes.

"Oh shit!" I shot up from our position!

"What?" He said groggily, rubbing his tired eyes.

"What about your volleyball practice?!" He sat on the floor for a few moments, before the realization hit that he was the team captain and supposed to be there mandatorily.


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