Ch.8 :Drowsy mistake

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We quickly gathered ourselves together from our previous emotional outbursts; both of us realizing simultaneously that we may be bipolar to some extent. Oikawa grabbed my hand firmly and pulled me up without breaking a sweat. He then didn't let go, but then started running towards the gymnasium with great speed. If I hadn't been an active member of the soccer team, then I wouldn't have been able to keep up. Luckily, I informed my team that since the season had recently ended with an unimportant game, we could take a week off.

Once we arrived to the doors of the gym, Tooru let go of my hand. I don't know why, but something about this action made my heart drop. I was aware that I was still in love with him, and so so jealous of that bitch who stole him away from me. I always took pride in how close I was to Oikawa; I was always proud of him as a friend and as a lover, but now... there's so much hate between us that I wish could just dissipate, but my stubbornness won't allow it. Oikawa let go of my hand, and as he did so it felt like the world moved in slow motion as he pulled the gymnasium's door open.

When the door opened, a blinding light shined into my eyes, and I winced from the brightness. I saw 1st years doing stretches and warm ups, 2nd years were practicing receiving, and 3rd years were practicing spikes. All of them were moving in rotation from station to station, and I couldn't help but let my jaw loosen a little at the fact that they were this good at working like a team. I followed Oikawa into the huge gym, and I felt a lot of the teenage boys attention on me.

"Hey Oikawa!" An onion haired looking guy came running over, you could definitely tell that he was a 1st year based off of the look of admiration in his eyes. Those same eyes then turned their attention towards me, and I swear I almost saw a faint blush on his face. "Who's your friend?"

Oikawa looked at me and smiled, then grabbed my wrist to pull me in front of him and grab my shoulders. "This here is my new girlfriend, (Y/N) (L/N)."

A bitterness grew in my soul at the 'new' part, but what could I do then just smile and nod at whatever he says. I'm fully aware that if I want to clear the air between us; I'd have to play the role of the submissive, timid girlfriend that I hated so much.

I bashfully glanced at the ground and smiled at the rest of his time and said "pleased to meet you all." With one of my best smiles I could muster. The rest of the guys awed.

"Wow, it's not really surprising that you'd get such a hottie, but still!" One of the guys said. I blushed genuinely, and looked at the ground. From the way Oikawa was looking at me, I could tell he was displeased about the satisfaction I got from that compliment.

I made my way up the bleachers, and eventually fell asleep because watching Tooru's practice was nothing new to me. He amazed me, but after watching it for so many times I grew tiresome. I woke up to Oikawa leaning his head on my shoulder, also asleep. I jumped slightly from the surprise of seeing him as the first thing I see when I wake up. I look around to see that everything has been neatly put away and the lights were turned off; meaning that me and Tooru are the only ones in here. I sighed, and checked my phone for what time it was, making sure that the brightness was turned down all the way to not wake Oikawa.

"8:30..." I murmured to myself and looked to my right. I was entranced by his sleeping face and his overall handsomeness. I slowly moved my dominant hand to adjust his brown locks out of his face, but instead I just ended up cupping his chin to have his lips facing towards me. I honestly did not know what I was thinking, but I didn't care enough to try and think about it. I gingerly tilted his face up, and was about to kiss him, but I thought it was too weird so I drew back.

Then I felt him pull me back towards him. He planted a kiss on me, and then drowsily let me go.

"Maya..." he spoke in his sleep. That one word broke my heart into a million pieces. I felt like throwing a temper tantrum right there, but I knew better than to cause a scene. Still, here I was, getting all bent out of shape about him, and he doesn't give a damn about me. Before I knew it, tears became streaming down my face, but not angry tears like earlier that day. They were tears of true sadness and heartbreak. The only time I've felt these tears form was when we broke up, and of course now. I began to silently sob, louder then I thought, because I woke Tooru with my sadness.

"(Y/N)...what's wrong?" He caressed my cheek and wiped the streaming tears down my face. I had never felt so pathetic in my life.

"I-I," I began to do the dreaded crying breaths. "I-I-I, I had a-" breathe, " a nightmare." I lied. He stroked my face and continued to try to erase my tears.

"What was it about." He said gently, not pressuring me to answer.

"I dreamt...that I didn't have you anymore." I decided to give some honesty to my response. Oikawa was stunned and just continued to do the same motions as he was processing my vital words. I didn't blame him. After all, he despises me now. To my surprise, I heard him give a slight chuckle, which wasn't the reaction I wanted.

"That's weird, because I was dreaming the same thing about you as well... except someone I thought I knew was the one taking you away from me." When he said this with a melancholy smile, I thought that maybe we were ready to finally heal. We don't have to be lovers again, but as long as I have you in my life again...I'll be so happy...

"But.. dreams are just dreams... they have no significance to real life, nor do they effect me at all." My hope was instantly snuffed. I know that it's not so easy to win back the person you care for, but I'm really starting to get sick with all this baiting he's unintentionally doing.

"I disagree." I stated bluntly, "dreams can reveal our deepest fears, aspiration, and...desires." I took a deep breath. "The truth is Tooru...that I care for you." I heard his breath hitch. "Which is why I want to stop this stupid charade of acting like your girlfriend."

"What? Why?" He looked at me confused.

"The reason why I decided to help you out was because I wanted to make amends so that way we could go on without stupid grudges holding us back." I felt vulnerable under his gaze while I laid out all of my cards for him to see and judge. "But I realize now that all we ever do is harm each other. It's better off if we just step out of each others lives forever I believe."

"(Y/N)...are you seriously suggesting that we should just move on without the other one in our lives?" He looked as if he was about to cry.

I just nodded silently.

"Wow...I can't believe that.. you really think that it's that easy." He started crying and chuckling at the same time. " I care about you so much... you broke my heart in middle school you know... but to this day I still regard you as irreplaceable. Even Maya didn't compare to you..." I was flabbergasted, did he truly mean that? "I was in love with you so much... I can't just remove you from my life."

"Tooru, if that's true, why did you have to torture me with this whole plot to win Maya back?"

"Did you honestly think that was true? Sure part of it was, but the girl that I really wanted back...was you." Both of us sat in silence, recounting each others words until we realized that the other person was still in love with them, but wasn't sure how to sort out their own feelings.

"So... what do we do now? Since we've got nothing left to hide." I spoke to break the silence.

"Well, I've actually got one more thing..." he said as he pulled out a photo.

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