Saying the final goodbyes

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A couple days later
Stella's pov: it's been a few days since Benny died. Kelly has keep to him self about how he is doing like he normal is. The day after Benny died I decide that he need his mom so I called her up and she said she would come right away she showed up later that night. So he has his mom and me to help him with the funeral stuff. Right now we are at Benny's place cleaning and packing up his stuff . I am looking at all the photos he has and I see this one on the fireplace mantel and it's a picture of Kelly when he was a young boy. I just smile because he was so cute and look so happy in that picture. As I am looking at the picture Kelly and his mom come into the room.
S= hey look what I found check out that handsome mug ( Stella's laughs at her own comment)
K= you box up everything in the file cabinets
S= yeah I mean none of it is organized but hopefully it was everything you needed to settle the Estate
KM= you don't happen to find a bronze medal did you
K= it'd be in a display box cater Harrison award for distinguished service
S= sorry
K= he could have left it with one of his exes
KM= hard enough to see those women at the service without having to go to them hat in hand I'd rather just let this go
K= i'll take care of it
KM= okay ( she then walks out of the room)
K= Benny use to talk about being buried with the metal
S= well maybe I could help you I mean you already have enough going on
K= it's fine
S= Kelly will you let me help you with this please ( he just shakes his head yes) okay ( her watch beeps) I go to get in for shifts but um I'll check in later ok
K= ok

Once I left Benny's I head toward the firehouse. I feel bad that Kelly's trying to take all this stuff on his own but I am hoping I can get the guys to help me with tracking down his metal so he has one less thing to worry about. Once I get to work the first thing I go is grab we a cup of coffee and Matt is standing there.

S= hey
MC= how's severide holding up
S= worse then he'll amid it he keeps taking point on all the funeral arrangements he won't what anyone else near it. Uh the service is on Saturday by the way.
MC= I'll make an announcement anything else we can do
S= maybe ( she then turns to the others that are in the kicthen having some breakfast) hey you guys know any of Benny's exes
M= uh one or two sort of
S= okay I am on a scavenger hunt for one of Benny's old metal's so I might need to make a house call
H= hey whatever you need we're here
S= thank you

As me and my guys figure out all of Benny's exes, Casey decides to take during call to one the exes house. She didn't have the metals so we decided to wait till after shift to track down more of the exes. The next day we went to one exes house she didn't have the medal and so then the last exes house we went to was Katie Kelly's half sister mom house she though she had the right Metal but it wasn't so we decide to call it a night and I decide to go to Kelly's apartment to check on how he doing. When I walk in his mom is sitting at the kitchen island.

S= hey
KM= hey
S= is Kelly here
KM= he's a bit wrecked and went to bed
S= I should probably do the same then
KM= oh don't feel like you have to
S= how'd things go today
KM= surreal it's funny Benny spend all his life improvising from one day to the next but when it came to his death he had it all planned out. Kelly running himself ragged trying to do everything exactly how Benny wanted I don't know if it's about contrition or closure or what I'm glad he has you
S= i'm barely doing anything
KM= oh you're doing enough I'm sure Kylie would tell you himself but he's lousy expressing things like that you're good for him Stella it's easy to see
S= thanks
KM= The way you've been there for him helping him find this metal means more than you know

The next day on shift

I feel so defeated right now I wanted to find this medal so bad because Kelly needs it and I wanted to help find it. In the fire department doesn't make other ones because you lose one or whatever but it's like a one-of-a-kind metal. So for now I'll hold out hope that it will show up and please let show up soon. Me Herman mouch and Casey all go to the kitchen and grab some food to eat. As we enterthe kitchen we see Otis sitting and talking to some lady and then Otis tells us it's Katie Kelly's half sister
KS= hope I'm not interrupting your lunch
H= are you kidding get over here ( she gets up and hugs Herman and then Mouch and Casey.)
MC= good to see you
KS= good to see you too ( once Katie hugged Matt and he walked away she see Stella) and you're Stella right
S= hi oh I can't believe finally get to meet you I heard so much
KS= same here actually have something you've been looking for help on not too late my mom told me that you came by and try to find it my dad gave it to me a couple years ago when we we connected he said he wanted me to have something positive to remember him by is this what you're looking for ( she shows Stella the metal)
S= oh my god I oh I can't Believe it I was so scared that I was gonna have to give up
I um oh god Katie thank you and your brother needs this so much right now
KS= you're welcome I'm so glad I could help
I am so happy Katie had it and I have it so Kelly doesn't worry about it.

Kelly's pov: it's the day of the funeral and I'm trying to make sure a limo is at the church but the company made a mistake or something so I just hung up with them and hope I can find another one for today. I sit down at my Computer to look things up and figure things out when my mom comes out and sits next to me on the couch
KM= Let's take a deep breath it'll all come together
K= yeah maybe
KM= Kelly look at me when is all this anger taking you huh what's it for
K= i'm not angry I'm just busy
KM= Kelly he's not here anymore whatever he said to get under your skin at the end it's done it's over.
K= The way we left things last time we talked I took a jab at him and he ended up coming through anyways
KM= there's nothing you could have said that would have made this any easier nothing that you would've brought you the kinda of peace you're looking for right now today is the start of your life that's your job how you live it that's what will define you ( Kelly hugs his mom and says thank you)
Once I have a talk with my mom I had to the church to get ready to say my final goodbye. I am standing there in the doorway of the church waning until I feel ready to go in and sit down as I'm standing there before passing by shaking my hand in sane sorry for my loss. As I stand there still I feel a hand touched my shoulder and neck so I turn around and there stands Stella.
K= hey stella
S= hey
K= hey sorry if I've been
S= you don't need to explain anything I have something for you ( she hands Kelly the metal)
K= thank you ( Stella nods her head and Kelly kisses her on the lips)

General pov: they walk in and goes to take their seats. Kelly sitting by his mom and sister and Stella sitting by Matt behind Kelly and his family. The Chaplin greet every body and thanks them for coming to the funeral and then it was time for Kelly to make his speech

K= my father was a legendary fire fighter I know this because he told me all the time ( everybody in church laughs at Kelly's statement.) but he wasn't Wang on March 16, 1993 he pulled seven people out of the Paxton hotel fire. They were tracked and nobody could figure out how to get to them but Bernie wouldn't give up even when the building was coming down on top of him. That was Benny severide he always had to do things his own way he was stubborn and man he was tough sometimes to talk he battled the people he loved as heart is he battled any fire but every now and then when you needed him the most he would have your back whether you knew it or not no matter what the cost it took me too long to figure that out but I'll never forget it( Kelly then looks around and the. Walks down to where his dad casket was and put the medal in the flag) sleep tight Dad you earned it.

It was the end of a funeral so it was time to carry the casket outside I had Matt chief,Herman, capp and Cruz help me carry it. Once we got outside I started hearing firetrucks coming and they all parked in front of the church a lot of firefighters got out of the fire trucks and started lining up in front of them so everybody that wasn't carrying the casket join them and all the firefighters salute Benny. One of the commanding officers start in the middle to make a speech
RF= Battalion chief Benjamin severide has return quarters ( a bells rings) he is clear from all his duties he is gone but never forgotten may he rest in peace with his brothers and sisters above
CB= ready step ( the all started walking with the casket)
Once the fire fighter has made his speech it was time to carry the casket to the Hearst and as I'm walking I am thinking about all the words that have been said to me over the past couple days and realizing I don't get to see my dad anymore or say thank you for helping the firehouse or ever say I love you to him again so I just want to break down

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