the backyardigains

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"Uniqua pass the ball!" Pablo shouted from the other end of the field, uniqua shook her head as she shot the ball into the opposing teams net. Boinga hopped over to Uniqua and glared at her,

" you always win cause your such a ball hog."

"Whatever," Uniqua replied.

"Let's play another game" Tyrone suggested, "but first, where's Tasha?"

"She's over there taking her fists off." Austin pointed over to the deck, where Tasha was trying to break her fists off.

"Tasha, we've told you a thousand times, you can't take your fists off." Tyrone sighed.

They decided on playing hide and seek, so Tyrone volunteered to count first. "One... two... three" Tyrone slowly counted to give them as much time as they needed. He heard shuffling around him, but ignored it to play fairly. As soon as he counted to 30, he heard the motion stop and he walked around the backyard. Austin was going to be the hardest, since he was the oldest of the group and he knew all the good spots. Uniqua was by far the easiest, she had dug a hole and sat in it. It was quite obvious that the hole wasn't there before, so he pulled her out and then laughed. After a few minutes he spotted Tasha in the highest tree in the yard, and Pablo was hiding in a bush.

It was down to the last player, tyrone focused on finding him. After an hour of searching and scanning the backyard, he shouted "I give up" and waited for austin to appear. Not even 2 seconds later, tyrone heard the buzzing of a jet engine from above him, as austin dove out and rode gently down on his dragon friend alduin. As he landed in the grass, tyrone slapped him. "We had a rule about not leaving the backyard." tyrone slapped him again, "you have disappointed me." once they had finished playing, they all grouped together and went to Trump Convenience.

The Telehomies and The Backyardibros حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن