yu. yum yum

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The backyardibros gathered around Austins body. He took his last breath and muttered "yolo". as his last request, they placed symmetrically cut avacados around his suffering body. "We're losing members right and left, we need to step up our game." Tyrone spoke under his breath, "kill the sun." they heard Austin mutter from behind them. "Of course! All this time we've been fighting over the sun, when all we really had to do to eliminate the teletubbies was to kill it!" They spread out to find some rocks.

After they finished burying him, they went home. They sat quietly in grief as they munched on a squirrel. Suddenly the world got a lot brighter. The Backyardibros all looked at each other in confusion. Pablo turned his head slowly and dramatically. They all gaped in horror as the sun slowly floated over the houses and above them. The sun seemed to get closer, and closer, before pablo had the right mind to duck into the house. The rest of the backyardibros lay cowering in the worm grass. It slowly got warmer before the bomb crashed into the once green grass. The fire enraged throughout the yard and once it reached the backyardibros, they were already dead due to impact. The nearby telehomies cheered in delight as they saw their opponents flesh burned off of their skeletal bodies.There cheering suddenly stopped when the spotted Pablo in the house. His face was red with tears,(all though he was a blue penguin) his eyes focused on the grinning telehomies. "No mercy." pablo stomped outside with his magical trident and met the telehomies face to face. He punched po in his laughing face and walked away, mumbling things under his breath.

Dipsy met up with pablo in the cave where boingas mom was crouched In a corner.

"I told you that we can't keep meeting up like this." Dipsy sighed, "I know, but i've lost everyone and you're the only one I have." Pablo cried with his hands over his eyes. "Dipsy, i love you."

"I don't love you, dirt."Dispy smiled as she swallowed pablo whole.

"Sorry not sorry." She said to her tummy wummy.

The Telehomies and The Backyardibros Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum