oh gawd he dead

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Dipsy was released from the hospital a couple days later. Her emoli hurt badly but the other Teletubbies kept bringing her tubby toast which made it better. Dipsy laid on the couch, alone. The other Teletubbies were out doing the morning routine. The routine strengthened the sun but since she was unable to participate the sun was weaker. If the sun was weak it could be stolen and its capturerers will have full power over everything instead of the Teletubbies. Just as Dipsy began pushing her worries away and started thinking about milk Laa-Laa burst in.

"Laa-Laa? What are you doing here, you need to be doing the routine!" Dipsy exclaimed.

"It's the Backyardigans! They've come for the sun!" Laa-Laa grabbed a container of Lysol and fled back out into the field. Dipsy reached for her crutches and slowly followed her. In the distance Dipsy could see them having a face off. Laa-laa threateningly held the container of Lysol in the air, ready to bare it down on Tyrone's head at any moment. Tyrone held a broom. As Dipsy got closer he started waving it around, causing Laa-Laa to back up.

"Stay back! I have the power of god and anime on my side!" Tyrone yelled.

When Dipsy got to the scene Laa-Laa and Tyrone were hitting each other with their weapons as everyone else stood and watched. Austin log rolled across the battlefield with anger while po stomped on Tyrones head with a powerful jump. Dipsy kicked austin away and ran towards the cave. If they could steal boingas mom, then the backyardigans would have no choice but to back down. Boingas mom to them was like the baby sun to the teletubbies. She ran into the cave, but all she could find was Pablo with scented candles scattered around the cave. "Salutations" Pablo whispered sensually "I'm Pablo". "Yeah, I know, we're at war." Dipsy whispered romantically. Dipsy pecked his bird beak a couple times.

"What's going on?" Austin shouted in an otherwise quiet meadow. To Austin it looked like everyone was hugging, but in actuality they were killing each other. "Austin, look out!" Tyrone shouted, not realizing that he was earless. Po came tumbling from behind and tackled him into a front choke. Po held onto Austins pink, furry neck until he felt him stop breathing. Tyrone dropped to his knees as the teletubbies retreated,with Dipsy left behind in the cave. "NO! AUSTIN! MY BEST FRIEND!" Tyrone screamed through tears.

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