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"We've won the war!" the telehomeis cheered in unicen, they were on their way to the salami kingdom where they would claim full ownership of the baby sun. when they made it out of the woods they walked into a clearing with a castle larger than they had ever seen. The entire kingdom was made out of salami sticks. The walls were chorizo, the paths were ciauscolo, the grass was even tiny sticks of salami. They stepped through the salami-grass over to the pathway over to the giant building.

Dipsy pushed open the meaty corridor and stepped onto the linoleum floor. "This is the only thing that's not made of meat." dipsy muttered to herself, by the sound of her quiet comment, the prince salami spun around in his flowing rainbow tutu with his fantastic pink crop top. Every step he took seemed to be in slow motion as his dress spun around him. "Ah, you must be the teletubbies." he gasped, " its so great to see you here in my palace." po stepped forwards, "with all do respect your majesty, we're now the telehomies." prince salami gasped, which had seemed like the third time in the conversation, "my apologies, its just, living with salami for so long can make you forget things." he apologized on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry!" the salami prince dramatically threw his head back and turned around to bury his head in his dress. Tears were streaming down his face. "Im crying so hard right now." he groaned. The teletubbies looked at each other, wondering if this was really worth the trouble. Suddenly, a bell came from across the castle, causing prince salami to pop up with glee his sorrow soon forgotten. I "Tea time!" he yelled, louder and happier than ever, "come my servants!" in unicen, three salami servants walked in with platters of tea. The prince twirled around, swinging his dress into the legs of one salami servant. He tumbled to the ground, splashing the tea onto the ground. "WHAT IS THIS!" He screamed,"WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TEA!" the salami prince took a dramatic breath, "TO THE GUILLOTINE!" two gaurds walked over and dragged him to the courtyard. "Now, where were we?" he calmy asked, sipping his tea. "We won the war." dipsy replied. "I believe we now have full ownership of the baby sun. " the prince looked across his courtroom carefully before he announced for the court maid to clean up the spilled tea. "Ah yes, the baby sun. quite a delightful little child, always thought she was a bit of a 'hot head' " he smiled and looked at the teletubbies. "The deed is yours." he handed them a glowing contract. They all signed it with their blood and went on their way.

"He's lost his marbles." dipsy added on their way back.

They walked along the pathways, not knowing that right under their feet the backyardibros were going through hell.

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