part 1

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Yaz's POV
I wander through the library in the TARDIS, browsing through the books half heartedly as my mind strays out of it's comfort zone.
This whole new life is out of my comfort zone really, the only sure thing I have anymore is her. I never expected this from myself, I'm not even sure what it means, am I allowed to feel like this? She's not human, if I'm being honest I don't really know what she is, I know what I want her to be... Mine.

The Doctor's POV
I stand before a panel in the control room, staring at the out of focus button glowing their various colours, I'm not concentrating on them though, I'm thinking about her again.
I'm not sure how to feel really - I mean, she's perfect but I don't understand why I feel like this.
I hate not understanding things.
The last time I felt this way- well I don't know why or who for, I know I've felt like this before though.
A pair of hands grab my shoulders, I startle and whip round to see Yaz, bouncing on the balls of her feet with that mischievous smile spread across her face.
"Yaz!- you scared me!" I chuckle, relaxing my tensed up shoulders and turning back to the control panel. She places a hand on my waist and looks over my shoulder.
"Sorry, whatcha doing?" She asks curiously, I'm very aware of her hand, still resting on my left hip, I swallow hard and try to ignore it, which is harder than it should be. She walks around to stand on my right side, trailing her hand across my back and leaving it rested at the base of my spine. I glance at her sparkling eyes and quickly look away, back at the control panel.
"Just thinking, about where to go, there's a lot of choice with the whole of time and space on the table" I say, she smiles and leans slightly against me, her hip against mine, my shoulder against hers. I glance heavenward, trying to keep my eyes from wandering to her face.
"Where are the boys?" Yaz asks looking around
"Went to visit some family, didnt ask who, too busy" I reply fidgeting with a button.
"So we can go anywhere while they're gone? Just me and you?" She asks.
I inhale through my nose and look at her, I can't help but smile when I see her gleaming beautiful brown eyes.
"I can give you the world, just ask" I tell her. She smiles, sliding her hand from my waist to my side, clutching mine in hers. I feel my hearts racing as I look into her eyes.
"Show me the stars" she whispers softly, I nod and flip some levers and buttons.

"Show me the stars" I whisper. She beams and flicks some buttons in an order I don't quite understand. The TARDIS starts up with a loud groaning noise, The doctor whips around, her long blue coat swirls about her legs like a whirlpool. The ground shakes and I trip -because of course I do - but the doctor catches me immediately, lifting me back up, our faces are so close, I put a hand against her chest to stable myself, her eyes flicker over my face, I gaze up at her and she lifts her hand, touching it to my jaw gently. Another crash and this time the doctor falls back and grabs a banister to stay upright, well shit - so close yet so far. The doctor stands back up straight and purses her lips in a smile.
"Well, we're here." She says walking to the door, gesturing for me to follow.
"Prepare to be amazed" she says in a goofy voice, I laugh and she pulls the door open, I gasp in shock and awe. I couldn't even begin to explain what i saw, millions and millions of stars freckle a deep dark blue sky. I step back and the doctor puts her hand against my back, stepping beside me. I glace at her as she looks at the view.
"You're in front of galaxies, you're in literal space and you look at me?" She asks, I giggle and shrug.
"I guess" I reply. She sits down, her legs dangling over the edge. I sit beside her and shuffle closer.

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