Part 4

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Yaz's POV
I struggle against the string grip of the guard carrying me away, as I look over my shoulder I see The Doctor being dragged away, and my heart breaks. I land hard on my left side after being throw onto the floor of a cold cell, I thought that was just a TV cliche, clearly not.

OH! Ouch, Jesus man you don't have to throw me like a sack of potatoes!" I groan, sitting up and backing against the wall, I pull my legs up to my chest and shiver slightly, I can't tell if it's because I'm cold or because of what happened.

The Doctor's POV
I'm dumped into a small cell, I stand up instantly and grab the bars, pushing myself as close as possible.

"HEY! COME BACK! WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!?" I yell, the man walks away and I groan, hanging my head against the bars. Then an idea pops into my head, I reach into my inside breast pocket and pull my screwdriver out and point it at the lock on the cell door, it whirrs softly and the door clicks, I laugh in relief and look around wearily before stepping out of the cell. Now where is everyone? I wander down long cold halls, looking into cells as I walk past in the hopes of laying my eyes on the girl I love. I scrunch my hands into a fist in anger, I can't believe I was so stupid to let this happen, I can't believe they trusted me to protect them and I failed...

Yaz's POV
I hear footsteps and lift my head quickly, my door unlocks and opens to reveal another guard, I gasp and back further into the wall away from him, he advances and grabs my arm, hoisting me up with ease. I try to struggle against him but he drags me away easily. I try to yell but a cloth is tied around my mouth to muffle any sound. I can't keep fighting like this, I'll wear myself out and I might need this energy for if anyone lets their guard down. Where is she?
I'm slammed against a wall, my wrists are strapped against it with steel clamps, I struggle and try to kick while he locks me in, then he clamps my ankles on too. I groan and hang my head, giving up. He leaves me alone in the dark cold room, I close my eyes as a tear slides down my cheek.
Soft footsteps make me jolt my head upright, Ana-Maria stands before me,  a twisted smile spread across her face. She steps closer and I lean my head away.
"Hello my dear" She hisses, her voice makes me feel sick to my stomach.
I try to speak but my mouth is muffled still. She steps closer again and brushes my cheek like The Doctor does, I move my face away quickly and she grabs it, pulling it hard to look at her. 
"You're just a beautiful specimen aren't you" She whispers, I groan and thrash against the shackles, She laughs tauntingly and pulls my chin close to her face.
"You really think you're going to escape me?" She asks, licking her lips a little.
She pulls my gag down and I spit at the floor beside her.
"You're disgusting!" I scream, she tuts and grabs me by the neck.
"That's not very nice" She hisses angrily, I snarl at her and thrash again, she laughs and pushes my neck up so I'm looking at the ceiling and my neck is exposed completely.
"You look delicious, I can't wait to sink my teeth into your supple neck" She whispers into my ear, my heart sinks and I try to struggle. She lays a hand against my neck and digs her long nails in as she lets it fall down to my collar bone.
"Get away!" I scream desperately.
"Screaming won't save you, your precious little friends are locked away, you should feel honoured i chose you, the others didn't have the same aura as you." She tells me in a hushed voice. I sob a little and turn my head away.
She edges her mouth closer to my neck, I glance down and notice her teeth are sharpened.
"Please!" I sob. She presses her teeth against my neck, beginning to press harder into my flesh.
"Stop! Get away from her!" A powerful voice I recognise as The Doctor's yells from behind Ana, She gasps and pulls away, leaving marks on my neck.
"How did you-!?" She asks, The doctor, Ryan and Graham all stand in the doorway.
The boys rush forward and grab and arm each, pulling her away.
"I think it's time we give you a taste of your own medicine?" Graham asks. She screams and thrashes against the boys who drag her into a hall with cells.
"Yaz! Are you ok? Did she-" The Doctor asks, rushing to me, she takes out her sonic and unlocks my shackles, helping me to get down, I collapse onto the floor and The Doctor kneels in front of me and cups my tear tracked cheeks in her hands.
"Yeah- Her teeth didn't break my skin, I'm ok" I sob, She smiles in relief and brushes my neck with the back of my hand, I lean my forehead against hers and sniffle.
"I'm so so sorry" She whispers, I look up at her and shake my head.
"No- No you didn't do anythi-"
"Yes, I did. I promised to keep you safe and protect you and I failed." she tells me, a tear starts to roll down her cheek, I press a hand against her face and wipe it away with my thumb.
"You came through in the end, I knew you would" I whisper, she smiles and places a hand against the nape of my neck. I look up into her brown eyes and edge closer, she does the same - slowly but surely our lips get closer and closer until they're inches apart.
"Yaz - Are you sure...?" She whispers. I pull her closer and our lips press together, I smile against her lips and she pulls my body closer.

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