Part 12

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Yaz's POV
The best idea we came up with is to use both sets of handcuffs and lock Ria onto the bed frame* and hope it keeps her in, now we have to focus on our next problem, Jeb. We don't even know where he is.
"Come on let's get out of here" Ryan says after clicking Ria's wrist into a pair connected to the head rest.
"Yeah, quick thing though, where is the TARDIS?" I ask, the others stop in their tracks and groan.
"That may be an issue" Graham sighs. We continue down the hall until we find a large door, I glance at the others and push it open.
The door opens onto a courtyard where people bustle around, talking or carrying boxes. I step through and someone instantly crashes into me.
"Oh sorry-" I begin
"Yeah okay thanks bye" the man replies rushing off again, I watch him walk away in shock and turn to the others.
"Bit rude! It's like London but with aliens - which ive seen so I can say that." The Doctor exclaims. The boys share a look of bewilderment and I just smile to myself. I love her stories.
She taps a young woman who has light blue skin, she turns around.
"Why is it so busy today?" The Doctor asks, the woman smiles confusedly.
"You really dont know?" She laughs incredulously.
"It's the Swarqs parade" She tells me.
"Like we're meant to know what that is" Ryan whispers to Graham. We thank the woman and we continue making our way through the bustling crowds, trying not to be split up by the parade goers. I take The Doctor by the hand and she grabs Ryan who grabs Graham and we all walk together holding tight onto each others hands.
"Where exactly are we going?" Graham asks from somewhere behind me, she shrugs and continue walking.
"Where we can find answers" she replies, Graham sighs grumpily.
"Could be more specific" he grumbles. 
We continue on through the crowd. Jeb will probably be finding Ria soon then we'll be in trouble. A group of young teenagers run towards us, laughing and cheering, they run right through our chain and break us up, I tighten my grip on The Doctor's hand but we still end up jostled apart. People continue walking and the group is split apart.
"Doctor!?" I call out "Ryan!? Guys?" I yell desperately.

The Doctor's POV
I lose my grip on the Yaz's hand and someone walks straight into me, pushing me onto the ground.
Nobody seems to notice. I groan and try to sit myself up, someone knees me in the chest and I yell in pain, then someone stands on my wrist and I stifle a scream, suddenly someone grabs me by the back of my shirt and lifts me up, I look up to see Ryan looking concerned.
"Are you okay!?" He asks, I shake my head.
"Not at all, we need to get out of this crowd and find the others." I groan, he nods in agreement and takes my hand, his height and build makes it easier to get through the masses of people by hiding behind him. We find a sort of large square marble sculpture and Ryan climbs on and lifts me up beside him. I clutch my side, groaning in pain, I have to find Yaz. I stand up, trying to ignore the pain in my chest.
"Woah Doctor you're hurt, you need to rest" Ryan exclaims putting a hand on my back to help me stand. I brush him off and stand on my toes, trying to spot anyone in the sea of people. I spot Yaz being jostled around, an elbow makes contact with her face and I gasp, I jump off the block with a groan and make my way to where I saw her. Ryan calls after me and grabs my arm, preventing me from going any further.
"No! Ryan get off!" I gasp
"You'll get yourself killed!" He shouts, pulling me back. I try to kick myself out of his grip. He practically carries me away from the crowd, as I'm lifted I can't seem to see her anymore...
Ryan sits me back on the marble block and I hang my head.
"But she's there! She- she needs help'
"She doesn't need our help, she's strong you know that" He tells me, I sigh. I know he's right, she doesn't need me.. Maybe I need her.

Yaz's's POV
Someone knocks into me and I fall backwards into a pair of hands that lock around my armpits and upper arm. Another pair grab my ankles and lift me off the ground, my mind starts racing as confusion floods it. They begin carrying me through the crowds, nobody seems to notice me as I scream and try to break loose from their grip. I attempt to shout in protest but my throat is dry from anxiety. I'm carried to a small room with a hidden panel as a door. The two men throw me onto the ground and leave me, closing the door behind them. I sit up and groan, rubbing my temple. I look around the dark room, trying to figure out what next.

*Get your mind out of the gutter

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