Part 16

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*lil tiny smut warning for the end sorry jesus*

The Doctor's POV

Life in the TARDIS is easier now the others know about Yaz and I, without all the sneaking around. I don't know why I thought they would react badly.
There's a lot to figure out still, and the last time I've been involved with a companion - well, I don't remember much, but I'm sure it didn't end well.
Three slow taps on the door of my room and I know it's Yaz, she has a special way of knocking so I know it's her.

"Come in!" I call, the door slides open to reveal her, a hint of a smile appearing in the corners of her lips and love in her gorgeous brown eyes.
"Hiya" She beams, practically skipping to my bedside.
"Whatcha up to?" She asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leaning against me.
"Thinking" I say vaguely.
"I should've known really." She chuckles, plopping next to me on the bed. I shuffle around, sitting cross-legged in front of her.
"So, how come you decide to swing round?" I ask, she shrugs.

"Dunno, just wanted to visit the coolest place in the TARDIS, and the coolest person." She says, I narrow my eyes sceptically.
"There's no way you've explored the TARDIS enough if you think this is the coolest place" I chuckle.
"It is to me." She says, smiling brightly.
"What about the swimming pool? Or the football pitch? Or-" I begin, only to be cut off by her lips against mine.
"Okay, this room is pretty great." I sigh, she grins.
"Wait- Pool? Football pitch?" She asks.

S p l a s h

Yaz's head bobs up out of the warm rippling water, laughing after jumping in and practically landing on me in the process.
"This is amazing!" She gasps, pushing the soaked hair out of her face.
I chuckle and swim closer so our lips are barely inches away.
"You are amazing..." She whispers, pressing a hand against my cheek.
I smile, pulling her against my body, it's pretty hard to tread water and embrace another person but I continue to hold her close regardless.
"Have you ever been in love?" Yaz whispers. I think for a moment.
"I think so... A long time ago..." I answer, Yaz smiles a little.
"I have, it took me a long time to find her, so long that she must've gotten bored because in the end, she found me." She says, I chuckle and press my lips against hers.
"I love you, though. I'm sure of that." I tell her as we separate.
She grins and kisses me again, I beam.
We continue gazing into each other's eyes for what feels like years.
"Come on, I'm getting cold." She says after a while, splashing water at my face. I gasp and return the favour, our laughter fills the entire room.

Yaz's POV
We walk hand in hand through the halls of the TARDIS, towels wrapped around our shoulders over our sopping wet clothes, failing to catch the trails of water droplets we've left behind us. Maybe it's because I'm drenched head to toe in water but it's only now that I'm realising how cold the rooms in the TARDIS are, it pains me to think how lonely it must've been with no one else but the doctor.

I look up, her blonde hair has gone wavy like it always does when it's wet, the little makeup she's learned to apply is slightly smudged under her eyes, yet she still looks incredible.
She glances up from whatever she was doing and catches my eye.
"Watcha looking at?" She asks, I take a breath.
"You. Your - eyes... Your lips..." I sigh.
"The way your nose crinkles when you smile, and how you wring your hands when you're thinking of a solution to a problem..." I continue.
She smiles bashfully, scrunching her nose up as she does so.
"Are you blushing?" I gasp, poking at her ribs playfully. She yelps, swatting my hand away. I catch her forearm and pull her body against mine, brushing some damp strands of blonde hair out of her eyes.

She beams, wrapping her arms around my neck. I rest my hands on her waist and as I do, the lights of the TARDIS dim and a gentle tune begins to play. The Doctor chuckles softly to herself
"What's this?" I ask, looking around.
"I think she likes playing wingman" She grins. I roll my eyes, laughing quietly.

"Y'know... I've traveled time and space, been to almost every place you can imagine, seen almost every face and yet I've never fallen in love with anyone as incredible as you..." She sighs.
I smile, leaning my head against her shoulder, wrapping my arms tighter around her waist as the song continues to play gently around us as we sway slowly.

Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear
Tell me, tell me that you love me too

"The TARDIS couldn't have thought up a less cheesy song to play huh?" I chuckle quietly, The Doctor gasps and pulls away from me quickly in mock offence.
"Wow, so rude." She says, I roll my eyes and pull her back into my arms, cupping her cheek with my hand.
I press my lips against hers kissing her deeply. I run my fingers through her hair, grabbing a clump and pulling her head back to kiss her neck. She lets out a small desperate moan as I do so.

Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, baby
Put your head on my shoulder

"Let's go to your room." I pant, she nods desperately, tugging at the collar of my shirt impatiently.

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