Part 15

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Yaz's POV
"Ryan!" The Doctor gasps, running out of the TARDIS to aid Ryan. I'm still leaning heavy against a banister, trying to recover from my fall. I've never been so close to it all ending... I swallow hard and look up, the Doctor and Ryan are wrestling Jeb, I should help...

I stand up weakly and my legs wobble, I'm gonna struggle to help in this condition. I sigh and plonk onto one of the leather seats. I have to look away from the struggle going on out there. It hurts too much to watch this all happening because of my weakness. I hear the sound of grunting and punches hitting flesh. I have to help somehow.

I should find Graham. I sneak out of the doors and press my body against the wall, side stepping away quietly so as not to draw attention to myself. Once I'm clear of danger I begin to speed up, I can't quite run because I'm still shaken up, I stumble down the stairs and round a corner only to have someone crash straight into me, I trip back and the person helps me to stay upright. I look up and realize Graham is standing right in front of me, he sighs in relief, possibly even holding back tears.

"Yaz! Oh love, you're okay" he gasps, pulling me into a tight hug.
"I saw you falling" he tells me, I sniffle and hug him back, wiping my tears away.
"Im okay, the Doctor saved me, she always does" I reassure him, he smiles and squeezes my arm.

The Doctor's POV
I help Ryan to deal with Jeb, he throws a punch which narrowly misses Ryan's cheek.
"She's gone now, fallen all the way down to get smushed on the ground" Jeb laughs crazily, Ryan looks at me, his eyes sad.
"Yaz is- you didn't get to her?" He asks sadly, I begin to shake my head to be interrupted by Jeb.
"Oh yes, she was too late, in the end she'll never really be able to save anyone." He says.
"No! Ryan she's okay! It's okay, She's safe in the TARDIS" I gasp, Ryan sighs.
"He's just messing with us" I tell him. He laughs and runs to the still open window.
"I see her down there, all red and mushy" He tells us in a sing song voice. I step closer and outstretch a hand.

"Jeb come here, get away from there" I beg. He grins and I step closer again.
"I'm just gonna go say hello" He tells me, he takes a step back and falls out the window. I gasp and turn my head away, Ryan runs to the window and claps a hand over his mouth, groaning.
"He- he's gone" Ryan mumbles, I sigh and press my hands over my face.
"Is Yaz really okay?" He asks turning to me, I nod, speechless.
He sighs in relief and I sit down, clutching my arms.
Yaz and Graham walk up the stairs, I look up and gasp, standing and running to her.
I hug her tightly, burrowing my face into her shoulder.

"Where is he?" She asks in concern, I sniffle, wiping away a tear.
"He- he went" I whisper. She looks at me confusedly and then to Ryan, he gestures out of the window. Realisation crosses Yaz's face and she sighs, hugging me again.
"We should leave now. Come on" Yaz tells me, walking with me to the TARDIS.
We all load in and I press a button, the TARDIS begins worping and groaning, I lean against one of the pillars, rubbing my face to clear the frustration.
Yaz walks over and stands beside me, sighing heavily.

"I don't think I thanked you properly" She says, I look over in surprise.
"Wait- Thank you- why?" I ask.
"Because you saved me" She tells me, I shake my head.
"No-Well yeah but there's no reason to thank me" I say, she smiles.
"You could've died, what if you'd fallen to?" Yaz says, squeezing my arm.
"I didn't even think about that..."  I sigh. She smiles and glides her hand down from my upper-arm and down to my hand, where she takes it in hers. I smile at her and my eyes flicker over her beautiful features.
"Do you feel better now?" I ask brushing her cheek with the back of my hand.
"Yeah, i've gotten used to everything in my stomach feeling re-arranged" She laughs, I chuckle and pull her closer, kissing her deeply. I hear a strangled scream from behind me and remember the others are still there.

Yaz's POV
The Doctor gasps and pulls out of our kiss, I clap my hand to my mouth, turning to look at Ryan and Graham who are standing on the other side of the room, staring at us and laughing nervously.
"Uh- Hey guys-" I stammer, Ryan laughs and shifts on his feet.
"Hey Yaz, watcha doin'?" Ryan giggles, I press my palm against my face in embarrassment. The Doctor bites her lip a little and i take her hand.
"I love her. We love each other and- and we've been keeping everything a secret." I blurt,
The Doctor looks at me with her eyebrows raised and shrugs, nodding.
The boys laugh, not knowing what to say, Graham grins.
"I'm happy for you two." He says cheerfully. I glance at the Doctor lovingly and she catches my eye, smiling widely.

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