Part 8

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The Doctor's POV
My eyes snap open and I look around my room and then down to the girl wrapped around my torso. Yaz is still sleeping so I scoot away being careful not to wake her, I get dressed and check I have everything I might need, patting my pockets. Yep, everything's in order. I look back at the bed and notice Yaz is sitting upright smiling, I narrow my eyes at her.
"What are you doing?" I ask coming closer to the bed, she grins crawling to the edge of the bed, throwing her arms out to me. I take another step and hug her, lifting her off the bed and spinning around, she yelps and tightens her grip around my neck, I look down at her and smile.
"We should go, the boys will wonder where we are" Yaz says, I sigh and nod my head, putting her back down.
"Get changed, I'll distract them while you sneak out" I tell her, kissing her hurriedly and dashing out the door.
"Morning you two! How'd you sleep?" I ask cheerily, Graham shrugs and Ryan shakes his head.
"To early for this, wait" he says taking a sip of the coffee in his hand, I laugh and walk to the control panel I was working on last night.
"What's this you're doing then?" Graham asks gesturing to the panel of wires.
"I'm either fixing something or creating an interdimentional wormhole to 7 different planets" I shrug, Graham sighs exasperatedly and sips his tea, I spy Yaz sneaking out of my room and into hers.
"So what's the plan for today?" Ryan asks, now considerably more awake after his coffee. I shrug and walk around the main control panel.
"We could watch the first rocket ever to go to space?" I suggest, Graham chokes on his custard cream.
"Can we? Neil Armstrong is kind of my hero" he says excitedly.
"I can do you one better if you like, we can watch him take the first steps in the moon" I tell him, he practically bounces with excitement as his eyes light up with joy.
"Okay, we just need to wait for Yaz to-"
"What about me?" She asks swinging around a pillar, I try to keep myself smiling like a dork but I can't help it, a wide smile spreads across my face.
"We're gonna witness the first steps ever taken on the moon, you in?" I tell her, she smiles excitedly and nods her head. I walk to a large lever and grab it with my left hand, bearing down as hard as I can to pull it, it's heavy with two hands but when one hand is out of action it makes it's close to impossible. The TARDIS groans to life and begins whirring, I grab a seat beside Ryan and he crosses his arms.
"So what's the deal with you and Yaz?" He asks, I clear my throat uncomfortably and hope he can't tell I'm blushing.
"How'dy mean?" I ask biting my cheek anxiously.
"Come on I've seen the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you when you're not paying attention, which is a lot" he chuckles, I swallow hard and look anywhere that isn't at him. He puts and arm around me.
"Hey you don't have to lie to me, I think it's nice" he tells me reassuringly, I smile and bite my lip.
"Okay fine, maybe I have a bit of a crush but it's nothing more" I reply, he chuckles and elbows me.
"Well that's not true, you're so into each other" he insists. I groan loudly and he laughs hugging me by the shoulder. I stand up and walk back over to the control panel.

Yaz's POV
I look over at The Doctor, dashing around the panels, pressing buttons and checking screens excitedly, I smile to myself as I watch her chat to Graham about space. I love seeing her excited about things.
The TARDIS lands with a soft worping sound and the Doctor stands in front of the doors facing us.
"Alright! The shuttle will be landing now, are you ready to watch history?" She tells us excitedly, we all woop and cheer and she opens the doors. The TARDIS is suspended in space, floating lazily beside the moon.
"Wow, it's bigger than I imagined" I remark, The Doctor smiles at me.
"They always are" * I grin and sit on the edge with my legs over the side, the others do the same but there isn't enough room for us all so The Doctor kneels behind me, her hand rested on my shoulder so she can see.
"Wait won't they see the TARDIS?" Graham asks.
"No, i'm using a cloaking device, they won't notice a thing" She replies.
We watch in awe as a space shuttle lands on the hard surface of the moon, a door opens and a persons foot steps out.
"We're watching the first ever steps on the moon" Ryan whispers.
I feel The Doctor smiling proudly behind me.
Another person in a bulky astronaut suit steps out and the walk slowly, an American flag is taken out of the shuttle and the two glance at each other before plunging it into the surface of the moon.
"Wow" Ryan whispers, this is incredible...
The TARDIS starts to make a worping noise behind us making the Doctor and I jump and whip around.
"Oh no-- come on not now!" The Doctor groans running to the beeping panels, she pulls a lever down hard but the sounds continue.
"What's going on? How can we help?" I ask rushing to her side, she bangs her fist against the panel frustratedly.
"I can't stop it! She's taking us somewhere, I don't know where" The Doctor tells us exasperatedly, we each share looks of concern.
"It'll be okay" I reassure her gently, she sighs and steps away allowing the TARDIS to do what it wants.

*Don't take that out of context you fuckers

E.N: Merry Christmas!

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