part 2

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The Doctor's POV
The TARDIS lands back to earth with a massive thump, knocking Yaz and my balance off a little, we recover quickly and I open the door for her, she exits closely followed by me and we walk down the busy streets of Sheffield, the cold Autumn air makes Yaz shiver slightly, I glance over and remove my coat, draping it over her small shoulders, she flashes me a smile and I return one. Her cheeks are slightly pink from the wind whipping at her face, I can't help but think how beautiful she is. We meet up with the others and I wait for Yaz to start telling them about what we did earlier but she doesn't, she just chats to Ryan about his visit. I'm standing sort of apart from them, further away but close enough to hear them and let me think.
"How come you stole the Doctors coat?" Ryan asks prodding at her ribs, she laughs and quickly removes my coat and thrusts it towards me, i flash a short smile and take it out of her hands, putting it back over my shoulders, keeping my eyes trailed on her chocolate brown eyes and gorgeous smile outlined by beautiful rouge pigment.
 Graham touches my arm lightly for my attention.
"You alright Doc? You seem a bit off" He asks, I snap away from my trance.
"Oh- yeah I was thinking, you should be used to that by now" I reply looking away from Yaz and her intoxicating smile and at Graham, his face slightly creased with concern. I smile reassuringly and he smiles back, patting my arm gently and walking to join the others, my smile fades into a small frown as i watch her laugh at a joke. I shake it off and walk towards the others, standing beside Yaz who smiles widely at me, I mirror hers and she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, nudging me with her shoulder. I nudge her back and Ryan gives us a look. We shuffle away quickly and i smile at him awkwardly.

Yaz's POV
"How come you stole the Doctor's coat?" Ryan asks, poking my side, i laugh half heartedly and pull her coat off, i don't want to, it smells like her - but she does look cold. I hand it to her and our fingers brush together, the butterflies in my stomach flutter a little. I glace over at the Doctor as she talks to Graham, she seems uncomfortable and confused, she almost never looks confused...  I continue my conversation but she keeps looking at me, its distracting.
Graham joins us and turns to me
"Is everything okay? What happened while we were away?" He asks, I widen my eyes and turn on my heels.
"Uhh- yep! Yeah yes yeah yeah... Oh we just uh... Explored Sheffield. Yeah I took her around, showed her the sights all that" I say anxiously, Ryan rolls his eyes at me, I shoot him a look and he purses his lips. The doctor joins us and I instantly feel lighter, I nudge her with my shoulder and she does the same, we grin together and Ryan narrows his eyes at us, we shuffle away from each other and she smiles, but I can tell she's biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. I want to take her hand in one of mine and brush her cheek with my other, I want to reassure her and tell her it's going to be ok. But I can't. And I shouldn't. Graham claps his hands and rubs them together making me startle out of my trance.
"So, where should we go today?" He asks, the doctor shrugs.
"Wherever! Whenever! It's up to you lot" she says cheerily, I smile to myself and she notices, the corners of her mouth twitch into a small smile.
"You know what I used to be obsessed with? The old castles in the 18th century, like in the stories my mum read me" Ryan exclaims, Graham and I nod.
"Sure, that could be fun" I reply, Ryan grins and we make our way to the TARDIS. It's weird to be back in here where we nearly kissed...
The doctor flicks some levers and presses a button or two and the TARDIS starts up with a big rumble. The Doctor grabs a seat before I think to and I lose my balance, tripping over the side of her chair and she catches me, I blush and sit up quickly, looking around to see if the boys noticed, Graham is busy listening to Ryan tell one of the stories his mum told him as a child.
As I sit up our faces get closer, my heart beats faster and faster with anticipation and... Ryan laughs behind us and I jump away from her, scooting onto a seat beside The Doctor. She looks over at me and I pretend not to notice, my heart goes back to normal and the adrenaline leaves my body, it feels as if it's pouring out of my finger tips. I scrunch my eyes closed in annoyance. The TARDIS lands and we all load out, we gasp collectively. We landed in front of a massive grey castle, the dark sky blankets it, I look up at the stars and then glance at The Doctor who seems as in awe as I feel when I see her.
"Woah" Ryan mutters
"Bloody hell" Graham says under his breath.
"Wow" I whisper, still looking at The Doctor. She looks over and catches my eye.
"I agree" she says smiling.

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