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We were piling our supplies in a neat mountain to be protected by the land-mines Brains was re-activating when we hear a branch snap behind us I bring up my spear instinctivly Glimmer brought up a sword and Clove had brought up a knife. May lifted her axe and Cato had lifted his machete "Ah Lover-Boy what a not so pleasent suprise" Cato says bringing his machete down telling us to bring our weapons down. "What do you want" Clove groans "I came here to form an allience" he says "An allience? What do you have ot offer?" I ask "Besides strength" I add when he opens his mouth "Um ok I know Katniss who I know you guys despise the most" he explains my brain didn't want to process how that helps us. "Don't strain yourself" Glimmer teases me I growl at her ready to just throw her on the ground and slit open her stomach. "Alright fine" Cato says shaking his hand "We're going hunting pick a weapon" Cato instructs Lover-Boy he nods reaching for the spear "Don't think so Lover-Boy" I growl "Marvel's the spear thrower" Clove explains crossing her arms over her chest. He nodded again reaching for the bow and it's quivers "Don't think so" Glimmer said "Why not you suck anyways" I retort "I do not" "Do to" "Do not" "Do to" "Do not!" she shouts "Knock it off both of you here" Cato grunts handing him a machete "So what do we do" Lover-Boy asks "Oi Vey" Glimer groans "Reatard we look for people and we kill them what have you been watching for the past 16 years?" May groans "Well the game-makers decided it's night so we look for camp-fires" I say "Ya let's go" Cato instructs


"So you know who I haven't seen se was supposed to meet us" May starts "Who?" Lover-Boy asks "John" May answers I stiffen realizing she's right where was he "Oh I found him useless so I got rid of him" Cato answers and they all burst out laughing besides Lover-Boy and me "You did what" I asked "I got rid of him all he could do was play hide-n-seek Marvel I know for some reason the kid was special to you for some reason but he was usless" Cato explains "Yeah your right" I lie inside the anger boiled inside of me I looked down at my braided braclet 'I'm sorry I let your brother die Suzy please forgive me' I begged over and over in my head "Hey whats that!" May shouts "FIRE!! Get to the Cornucopia!" Cato shouts we sprint the fire flicking at our ankles until we reached the clearing we joggedd through the poath dragging Lover-Boy in the right direction and we started to climb the Cornucopia we were panting on top of the large horn. "Maybe we won't have to look for your girlfriend anymore" Clove says inbetween gasps for air. "Maybe" he mutters

Authors note: If you couldn't figure it out on your own that was day 2 of the Games

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