Chapter 10

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"... Whatever," Mir said as he began to walk, Axel picking up his bag then. He spun around reflexively as Axel spat out what seemed to be the beginning of a curse, and sighed. He knew he and Rina were to go to the gate, and he did so without arguing this time. "..."

Rina ran off for a second, ducked into Mir's barracks to snatch the bag of food and other things returning to the group.

"What the hell?" Mir half growled at her, but then she shrugged nonchalantly, slinging the bag over a shoulder. "Alright, alright..." They fast-walked towards the gate that Axel had mentioned, avoiding people's view whilst trying not to appear too secretive about their destination. Pulling out a knife, Mir began to work at the wiring just as he had done so on the mission, breaking one at a time before they could be unwoven.

Some day I'm going to find that these things are electric... He thought, working a hole big enough for them to crawl through. Turning to see where Axel was as well as to check if anyone was there after them, he waved for Rina to go through. In the distance, an alarm of sorts sounded and Mir gestured for the girl to hurry. Next, he went over himself, half scrambling to regain his balance afterwards due to how hurried he had simply been. Goddamnit Axel, he thought, standing there and sighing before turning to run towards the rows of trees that lay between them and the boat.

Seeing that Rina came close to tripping every now and then with the bag stuffed with what he thought would be handy, he stuck his arm out as an invitation to help with the carrying for a bit, and was actually surprised that it was a bit heavier than he had remembered.

"..." He had questions to ask later, but not now. At last, he saw the trees start to thin out before him. They were nearly there. Looking around once more in case there was someone shooting at them, Mir jumped on the boat, scrambling for the keys.

He didn't find them anywhere near the steering wheel.

Cursing, he did a quick 360 and wondered if they had been stolen. Worst case, someone tossed it in the ocean, and that Rina was checking for. We'd never find it if that's the case, he grit his teeth, digging in his pockets just in case they were there.

"Bro, people," Rina pointed towards the abandoned house, and Mir raised his head to trace her line of sight and area of pointing. Seeing the moving silhouettes for himself, Mir half crawled, half jumped out of the boat that now rocked against the port with his doing so, running towards the darkened, abandoned hut.

Hopefully they're the ones who have our keys... And they still do, Mir thought. I do too much hoping... He trailed his fingers along his gun, ready to pull it out with a violent force considering that the people that were there were more than likely to be soldiers from the base. Sneaking forward as silently as he could to catch up with the person, he waited until he was close enough, and pounced.

The figure that Mir snuck up on whipped around rather quickly. As he jumped at her, she twisted around, grabbing his arm and folding it up behind his back with a bit of a soft grunt and then an amused laugh. Her other arm snaked up under his arm, lifting it slightly and then pressed something cold against the bottom of his chin, "That was very unkind of you and quite simply... very stupid," she hissed in his ear.

There was a commotion back where the boy had come from and she turned to it. Behind her, three of her own men waited patiently in the dark for her orders, but otherwise they didn't move. As a third figure came through the darkness to the dock where the boat was, she waited patiently for the taller figure to realize that she was holding their companion. The girl she had noted as well, but dismissed her all the same. In the distance there was the sound of loud sirens and she knew they wouldn't be able to stick around for long, which was a problem seeing as it ruined all of her original plans.

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