Chapter 16

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When the truck finally pulled by Inori's base, Rina turned off the engine and leaned back in the seat for a moment, enjoying that short while of comfort. They'd been traveling for a while now on foot, water and land, so she was beat. Pulling the keys out of the ignition, she opened the door, holding it like that.

“We're here,” she said, in case Mir and Axel were asleep. She just hoped that Axel wasn't unconscious,. Jumping off the truck and ignoring the step-ladder like structure on the side, she went over to open the door for the others, waiting until they both got on their feet. The compound wasn't far from here, and the walk should probably be manageable. It's just a while more... She sighed and glanced at the other two in turn.

Of course, that didn't mean it would be the end of it when they actually got back to the base. She was hardly expecting a welcome-back meal or even an immediate blissful shower or anything remotely close to rest; Inori certainly wasn't so generous as to treating to that especially after being ditched in such a hasty manner. Then again, Rina figured that the woman probably had a helicopter to pick her up without trouble- Her status called for it, after all.

Axel had fallen asleep, only to be woken a few times by either Rina or Mir. He wasn’t supposed to be sleeping just yet. Maybe Rina was worried about it. Axel wasn’t too worried though, or maybe he should have been, he wasn’t entirely sure. Of course, saying ‘he’d had worse before’ probably wasn’t a good idea either in the situation, so he kept his mouth shut. For the most part anyway.

Back at Inori’s base, Axel climbed out of the car a bit slower than the other two. Following after them, they worked their way back to the base. He grumbled to himself though as they went knowing that if they faced Inori she was probably going to be very pissed off. He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle that. Maybe they could sneak in and not get noticed… The last thing he wanted was to deal with a highly livid woman. Mir was hard enough to deal with when the boy got upset. Or wait… No, Mir is definitely a lot easier to deal with… Much easier. Much more preferable too… And hotter, definitely hotter.

Axel grinned to himself like an idiot, probably because of his condition. Thankfully, he kept his thoughts to himself though. As they entered the camp, there was a rush of noise, a couple of men catching their appearance as the trio walked in. Following that was a familiar voice that Axel hadn’t wanted to hear at that moment. He groaned a bit as they were stopped by non other than Inori herself. She glowered up at him, her face slightly red as she seethed.

“You… Ass,” she hissed.

Axel wasn’t prepared for what came next. Her fist connected against the side of his jaw and he stumbled backward, losing his footing and hit the dirt. Wincing, he turned and glared up at her, “The hell was that for?” he snapped.

“You bastard, you have the audacity to say that to me,” Inori shouted. Storming over to him, she slammed her boot into him and pushed him down onto the ground. Axel gasped, his fingers clutching her foot to get her weight off the wound. It was getting really hard to breath as she leaned her weight on him, “You imbecile! You nearly killed us in that truck, you didn’t listen to me, you ran off and left me in that truck without the keys! Do you realize what it took to get back here!?”

“Get… Off…” Axel ground between clenched teeth, struggling underneath her.

Goddamnit Inori. Mir sighed as they entered the base, the woman making a rather unpleasant appearance. As she more or less attacked Axel, Mir glanced over at Rina but only to find that she already was looking at him. With an expression of semi bloodlust on her face, too. Hardly surprisingly, my younger sister is itching to kick ass. He noted to himself, nodding at her. To be completely honest, Inori had it coming for her- Axel didn't seem to be in much of a state to fight back and neither did he or Rina, so the three of them going up against her now wouldn't be too much of an unfair advantage.

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