Chapter 12

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~Following Morning

Axel woke fairly early and definitely a bit on the groggy side. Hate drugs… why the hell did I take drugs last night? This sucks… He groaned as he moved, rolling to his side on the cot only to find something in his way. Startled, he glanced down to see Mir half stretched out on the cot, and half on the floor. Lifting an eyebrow he wondered why the boy was right there, but then thought that it looked awfully adorable and chuckled.

Patting Mir’s head, he ran his fingers through the boys hair gently before he pulled himself up, trying not to be too loud. He felt the pull of stitches in his back and was reminded that Rina had patched him up after the fight with the soldiers. Ruffling his own hair, he grimaced as he tried to think of what they were going to do about their current situation. The answer came, though, with a feminine voice outside the tent.

“If you’re not up already, you should be,” Inori’s tone wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t happy-go-lucky either. She really sounded like someone in charge around here.

Axel sighed heavily, “I’m up,” he muttered softly and stood up, trying not to rustle Mir too much though he was pretty sure the boy would wake up soon enough with Inori’s shouting outside. He walked to the tent flaps and pulled them back to frown at her, “Just like the damn military, at least let them sleep,” he glanced over to the siblings.

Inori grinned at him, “And military is certainly drilled in your bones if you’re up already.”

“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes with a frown, “What do you want?”

“My payment, what else? Come on, all three of you,” she said and turned away, “Breakfast is in this building, better hurry up or it will all be gone,” she tossed back as she walked toward the building in front of her that she’d pointed to for breakfast.

Well shit, Mir would be upset if he missed out on food… He thought and turned back to the pair.

“Breakfast?” Mir muttered, opening his eyes. He had forgotten that he’d fallen asleep the previous night sitting on the ground with his head on the cot, and it certainly took its toll. Cracking his neck as he stood up, Mir searched for Rina, curled up on another cot.

“Wake up, Rina,” he said, waiting until his sister sat up and started walking towards him and Axel. “They’re actually bothering to get us breakfast, you know.”

He gave Axel a small wave, standing there in the tent’s far corner drowsily for a moment before deciding to walk himself towards the exit. He shoved his feet in his shoes, hardly bothering with the laces which were already tied anyway, and paused next to Axel.

Oh my shocks, how much does he even remember anyway? How am I even going to look at him, let alone talk? Mir thought, his teeth clenched tightly together. “Out?” He finally said, pointing towards the tent flap and crawling outside.

He made his way towards the canteen-- At least where the canteen was, according to the numerous signs pinned up on every other wall. He barely checked if Axel or Rina followed, for this was one of the times where he didn’t necessarily mind sitting alone in a corner for a bit. Silently, and keeping his thoughts to himself, Mir wandered into the food area of the base. It was much like the cafeteria of the military base they had just come from, except there weren’t fancy stalls and everyone seemed to be eating at the same time.

Axel chuckled again. Of course the boy would wake up to that single word. Hell, you probably only had to whisper bacon from across the room and he would know. Lifting an eyebrow as Mir gave him a small wave, he wondered what it was that was going on in the boys head as he said a single word and left the tent, headed straight for the cafeteria where Inori had gone to. Axel watched him go, utterly confused for a moment before turning to Rina and waiting for her.

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