Chapter 14

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Axel, at his wits end and definitely not in the mood, snatched her arm in one move, shoved himself into a standing position and slammed her hand into the top of the car door, making her release the weapon. Pulling her around, he gripped the back of her neck and shoved her head into the top of the cars door frame. Inori let out a sharp cry of pain as Axel pulled back. His foot caught hers, dragged it back and she found herself kneeling with her head pressed into the driver seat.

“Sy was here,” he growled, “He took Mir. Where the hell were you?”

“Let go,” she hissed.

“No, I don’t think so. Your keys, give them to me,” he ordered.

“Why? You going to go after them? You’re insane. You’ll never catch up.”

“If you keep fighting with me! Hand them over!”

“Stop it you idiot! If you want him back, you’re going to have to cool your head and calm down. You’re not catching up to that super-soldier. And even if you did, how are you going to make him release the boy? You’re lucky to even be alive after an encounter. Head back to base, we’ll think this through and get your little lover back.”

“Base huh?” Rina retorted, watching as Axel disarmed Inori. “I’d say that coming up with a plan would have worked before we came out here in the first place, but someone was so keen on getting out in ten minutes sharp. What a sudden reversal of ideology.” She couldn’t help but feel a pang of suspicion towards Inori, as to where she had been and other things. “But yeah, we should plan. Though wonder how a few-hour drive back to the base would help do it when we could just use our brains here.”

She paused. Rina hadn’t meant to say things as harshly as they had come out to be, but she wasn’t bothered to be nice about it either. Either way, she stood by the truck and waited for someone to get in first, and to give an indication of the final verdict.

“I don’t know what you’re getting at girl, but if I remember correctly if was you who had wanted to get footage of Sy’s attack, wasn’t it?” Inori hissed back as she was still face planted against the seat.

Axel pulled her up and growled in her ear, “Keys, now. I won’t ask again.”

“Fine,” she retorted and reached into her pocket, tossing the keys upon the seat, “I don’t know where you think you’re going, but if you want the boy back you better start thinking of places in North Korea that they would take him. That super-soldier will have him there by the end of the night.”

Axel shoved her to the back door of the vehicle, “Get in,” his voice was dark, emotionless and he was growing steadily darker. He motioned to Rina to get into the passenger seat next to him. Throwing the key in the ignition, he started the vehicle. Once everyone was inside, he took off in the direction that Rina had seen Sy carrying Mir.

“Where the hell are you going?” Inori cursed from the back seat.

Axel ignored her and instead turned to Rina, “I’m going to be counting on you a lot,” he started, his hands curling tightly along the steering wheel of the car, “There’s… a lot that you both don’t know about me and I will explain later but right now, I just need you to direct me. We’re going to trail after him as best we can. We’ll figure out what dock he takes Mir too and follow from there. Once we figure out what facility they go to, we’ll break in and grab Mir. That’s all we’re going to do.

“I need you to help me stay on that path. I trust you to have my back. For now, you’re my ticket back to sanity, understood?” he glanced over to her as the truck bounced along the deep ruts and holes in the ground. He maneuvered the car though the trees, going quickly, but being careful so that they didn’t crash. What he was about to do was to put himself in a state of mind he hadn’t gone into for quite some time. It was what he’d been originally trained to do when he was under the Major’s control.

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