Chapter 15

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No matter how fast Rina ran, she didn’t seem to gain much ground on the super soldier. Not long later, she noticed that Axel had caught up to her, but didn’t pay much attention to it. She was, however, forced out of her concentrated focus when a soft crack sounded. Axel had fired a shot, though she didn’t exactly see where it landed.

“Right,” Rina nodded as Axel spoke, noticing that Sy actually… reacted to it instead of blocking it. Did they manage to overpower Sy? She didn’t really bet on that. She merely ran over to the soldier, charging at full speed parallel to where Axel ran.

Nope… Damn, even shot Sy can probably still be pretty offensive. No, scratch probably. Make it definitely. She ignored the thought of otherwise common sense, hoping that Axel would keep Sy busy without getting too beat up himself, whilst she went to get Mir.

Bending down slightly as she neared the two of them, Rina caught hold of Mir under the arms, just as Sy too regained his stability.

“!!!” Pure rage flashed in the soldier’s eyes, and he more or less threw himself over both Rina and Mir. Falling into the dirt ground, she rolled to the side, Sy’s hand reaching out to grab Mir again as Rina landed in a crouch. Who said this would be simple because he was shot? She heaved a deep breath, flipping out the Swiss Army Knife and going towards Sy again as he began to pick Mir up.

Axel hadn’t slowed as he rushed Sy. He noted that Rina had dropped down to grab Mir and that her and the soldier were in a fight over the boy. Crossing the distance, he twisted his body and threw a kick at the soldiers face. The flat of Sy’s blade came up and kept the heavy boot from connecting with his nose, but the pressure knocked him back a few steps away from Mir and the girl.

Axel twisted again, threw another kick that shoved Sy even further back. When he settled on both feet, Axel fired off six rounds from his gun rapidly. The ring of steel connecting with lead sounded off each shot being redirected off the steel. Axel moved, shooting forward with his knife in hand. Both blades caught, the serrated edge of Axel’s large hunting knife catching the smooth edge of the sword. Twisting his hand just a bit, Axel kept the blade from being retrieved. The gun came into Sy’s face. The shot rang out, but Sy had grabbed Axel’s wrist and moved it just before it could hit him.

Still, the shot grazed the man’s face, cutting a nice scratch along his cheekbone. Sy twisted Axel’s hand, nearly breaking the wrist. Axel ignored it, pulled his body back just enough and shoved a hard kick in Sy’s stomach, shoving him backward and away from him. Another few rounds fired from the gun and the chamber slide back and locked in place. It was empty.

Axel released the empty clip from the bottom, the black container dropping to the ground and forgotten completely. Twisting to avoid a thrust to his chest by Sy’s sword, Axel danced backward, his other hand grabbing another clip from the belt and throwing it back into the gun. It took him merely seconds, perhaps a minute to reload the weapon and begin firing it again. Sy got close to him, the blade striking out as his throat. Axel turned, dodging the attack and ducked to the right a bit as he threw a hard kick into Sy’s stomach.

Sy stumbled back and Axel snapped straight up again, the gun discharging a handful of rounds at the soldier who backed up, gritting his teeth. The sword moved, but there were sprays of crimson across his black armor now. Axel moved forward as Sy worked his way backward. Finally, Axel narrowed his eyes and lunged forward, the knife attaching to the sword and drawing it back, away from Sy’s body so he’d have a clear shot at the man’s chest with the gun.

As Axel positioned the weapon, the long blade turned, unlocked itself from the serrated edges of his knife and thrust forward just as Axel fired off a few shots. Both stopped, dirt settling from being kicked up from each others movements. The sword stuck out of Axel, just under his chest, the gun released a thin trail of smoke as it was aimed at the center of the soldier’s chest. Blood pooled from Sy’s wounds, three shots to his chest. He pulled the sword back and stumbled away from Axel. Turning, he started to run and Axel made to give chase after him.

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