Chapter One ~ Beginning

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Virgil rubbed his eyes, smearing his black eyeliner under them. He barely got any sleep. He put his hoodie on and blinked a few times.
He jumped, then opened his door a crack.
"We're doing a Sanders Sides video, get out here already."
"Mmm. Just give me a second, jeez."
Virgil hadn't been getting much sleep lately, and he'd stopped arguing with Roman so much. They still insulted each other occasionally, but not as much as they used to. After the video was filmed, Patton approached Virgil.
"Hey, what's up with you lately?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've been acting pretty distant."
"What Patton says is true," Logan said, approaching.
"I'm tired, guys, okay? Okay, I'm out," Virgil said, leaving.
He sat down on his bed and sighed. He'd tried to sleep several times before during the day, to no avail. He was too tired to fall asleep, basically. He heard a knocking on his door, and he got up to answer it.
"Virgil, what is wrong with you recently?"
"Roman, go away."
"No, Virgil, you need to stop messing with Thomas. He's been acting crazy lately because you worry too much!"
Roman started yelling. Virgil's eyes clouded over, he wasn't sure if it was from tears or if his eyes were just unfocused. He guessed it was probably tears because Roman froze. He reached his hand out and then let it drop.
"I- I'm... Are you... okay? Virgil?" He was fine with insults and teasing towards Virgil, but not this.
"Just... go away." Virgil turned around and slammed the door.
Roman was shocked. He almost opened the door again but decided against it. That would only make Virgil angry.
Virgil wiped his eyes, rubbing the black under them onto his hand. He put his head in his hands and thought about what Roman said.
" worry too much!"
Was it true? Did he worry too much? He was Anxiety, after all, but it still hurt. His hands started shaking and he shook them, muttering "Get yourself together."
Maybe Thomas would be better without me. Maybe they all would. They wouldn't have to deal with a dumb emo character anymore, and Thomas wouldn't have the anxiety. He left his room and went outside to stare at the sky.
Roman was almost freaking out. He decided to check on Virgil and apologize, because otherwise it would eat at him all night. He checked Virgil's room and found nobody. He checked the rest of the place, almost running. He eventually found Virgil stargazing.
"I don't want to talk to you, leave."
"I'm... I'm sorry... Okay?"
"Not accepting apologies, try again later."
"Virgil, shut up! I care about you, okay?"
Virgil froze. Roman- the one who was always making fun of him, always messing with him, caring about his stupid problems? No, it was probably a joke. He needed to stop dreaming.

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