Chapter Seven ~ Confession

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Roman heard sobbing. He held back tears, running to Virgil's room. He got there quickly and knocked on the door. "Virgil..."
No response but the sobs.
He shoved open the door, seeing something he'd never forget.
Virgil was holding a blade. His hoodie was off, and he was cutting his arms. Roman lunged forward and grabbed the blade. He threw it across the room and hugged Virgil.
"Virgil... why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know."
"Don't do this to yourself."
Virgil returned the hug, crying into Roman's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
They sat there for around ten minutes, Roman comforting Virgil while Virgil cried. Eventually Virgil pulled away, eyes red.
"Thanks..." He rubbed his eyes.
"No problem." He smiled.
Patton had talked to Logan for a while. Virgil and Roman walked out and Virgil went up to Patton. "Hey... Sorry."
"Oh, no, it's fine!"
"Thanks. So can we... play a game or something?"
"Yeah! Great idea! How about... spin the bottle?"
"NO... NO... NO..." Virgil backed up.
"Too late! We're doing it." Patton summoned a bottle and made everyone sit down.
"So! Every time it lands on the person who spun, the kisses get 2 seconds longer. Ok! Logan, you spin first!"
Logan spun and it landed on Patton. They both immediately blushed. Logan leaned forward and kissed Patton for exactly one second. A few spins later, the time was up to 16 seconds. Then it was Virgil's turn. He spun the bottle

and it landed on Roman.
Of course.
"VIRGIL! Language!"
"Sorry, Logan..."
"Not in front of Patton!
Virgil and Roman were blushing messes and Patton was fanboying like crazy.
"Kiss already!"
"Fine!" Virgil grabbed Roman's arm and pressed their lips together.
The 16 seconds passed.
They pulled away, looking down.
Meanwhile, although they showed no emotion, a million thoughts were swimming through their heads.
"Okay! Game over!" Patton said, but they barely registered it.
"Can we talk?" Roman muttered to Virgil.
"My room?"
"Okay, bye."
Virgil and Roman left and they both showed up in Roman's room.
"I am so sorry," Virgil muttered.
"No, it's fine." Roman blushed. "There's something I need to tell you."
He looked down.
"The truth is, I've been wanting to go out with you for a long time..."
"Shut up."
"I'm supposed to confess." Virgil  smirked.
"I just might love you."
Virgil leaned in and pressed his lips to Roman's.
"What were you saying, Princey?"
"I love you, Virgil."
"Love you, too."
(~Timeskip- The next day~)
Virgil was in a dark room. All the other Sides and Thomas were there, laughing. He was confused, and tried to walk in their direction.
He couldn't move his feet.
Deceit appeared. No one seemed to notice. He approached Roman and grabbed his neck. Nobody did anything about it. Deceit held out a knife to Roman's chest and grinned. Virgil struggled to run at Roman, save him, at least try to do something. He still couldn't move.
He tried to scream, but he couldn't. He just wanted to run at him, grab the knife, save him, kiss his love one more time
Deceit plunged the knife into Roman's chest.
Virgil bolted upright. He quickly turned, where Roman laid right next to him, asleep. A tear ran down Virgil's cheek and he hugged the other trait. Roman's eyes fluttered open.
"Virgil..? Bad dream?"
"Yes... you and the rest were talking, I couldn't move, Deceit was going to kill you, and I couldn't..." His voice cracked. "I couldn't save you."
"It's just a dream. I'm fine."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
During that day, Thomas recorded a Sanders Sides video. Everyone showed up as normal.
"Okay, so in this episode, we are getting the scoop about Roman and Virgil."
"What?" both of the traits said.
"What's going on with you two?"
"Absolutely nothing..." Virgil looked away.
"You are... holding hands," Logic pointed out.
They immediately let go and moved away from each other.
"Must have been a..." Roman cleared his throat. "Transport issue!"
"Tell us!" Patton squealed.
"Tell you what? There's nothing going on," Virgil said.
"FALSEHOOD!" Logan yelled.
"Come on, Princey and Virgil! We won't judge you," Thomas said encouragingly.
"Alright, fine... we're dating," Virgil muttered.
"AWW!" Patton shouted.
"So cute!" Thomas said.
"Adorable," Logan volunteered.
"Okay, video over, bye..." Virgil lowered.
"No, wait!"
"We still have to do the video."
"Fine. I'll stay."
"So. Today is truth or dare time!"
"Seriously?" Virgil muttered, under his breath.
"Ohh! Great idea!" Patton squealed.
"So, who wants to go first?"
"Me," Logan said. "Roman. Truth or dare?"
"What logical reason do you have for dating Virgil?"
"Because... I love him?"
"Great, more feelings."
"Patton. Truth or dare?" Virgil muttered.
"Mmm... kiss Logan."
"Oh, okay!" Patton said, blushing and smiling. He walked over and kissed Logan and then scampered back to his spot.
"Logan! Truth or dare!" Roman said.
"Umm," Logan stuttered, still stunned. "T-Truth."
"Do you have feelings?"
"Yes. I just don't pay as much attention to them."
"Virgil! Truth or dare!" Patton said.
"Nn. Dare."
"Kiss Roman! Kiss Roman! Kiss Roman!" he squealed.
"Seriously? You won't let it go, will you?"
"But it's so cute!"
"Fine..." Virgil sighed. He stood, grabbed Roman's arm, and kissed him. They pulled away, and they both blushed.
"Okay!" Thomas said. "Princey! Truth or dare?"
"How did you two get together?"
"Oh, um... Virgil, help me out here," he whispered.
"Fine... you have to start, though, he asked you," Virgil whispered back. "But don't you dare tell them the beginning."
"Okay... well, I went into Virgil's room because he was sad about accidentally hurting Patton so I went to comfort him because... we're friends. So then, we went back out and Patton decided we were gonna play spin the bottle." Roman gave Patton a look. "Then, because fate can't be nice, it had to land on him when I spun, and then the game ended and we went to my room to talk. I confessed and that's the end of it."
"Aww!" Patton said.
(Continued next chapter)

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