Chapter Three ~ Lie Detector

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"WHAT IS UP EVERYBODY? Today, I've got a fun idea..." Thomas said, looking into the camera.
"Ooh! What is it??" Patton said, rising up.
"We are going to be hooking up a lie detector to each of the 4 Sides and asking them questions!"
"Noooo, bad idea," Virgil groaned, appearing.
"Too late! We're doing it. What, do you have something to hide?"
"N-no, obviously not..." Virgil cursed himself for stuttering.
Roman and Logan showed up and soon Patton and Logan's turns were over. Then it was Roman's turn.
"Do you only like Disney music?" Virgil asked.
"Yes," Roman said. Lie.
"Do you have a crush?" Patton eagerly asked next.
"No..I-I don't...." Lie, again.
"Is this crush currently here right now?" Logan asked.
Well, no harm in that. "Yes." Truth.
"Do you think this crush likes you back?" Thomas asked next.
"No, definitely not..." Truth.
"Do you hate Virgil?" Patton asked.
"Well, yes..." Lie.
"You... don't hate me?" Virgil wiped at his eyes and turned away, embarrassed.
"Do you explicitly enjoy the company of Virgil?" Logan said.
"N-No!" Lie.
Virgil blushed, turning red. He asked Roman, "Are you ever depressed?"
"No." Lie.
"I'll skip my ask. Now! Virgil! Your turn!" Thomas said.
"Can I not?"
"Virgil, do you have a crush?"
"No!" Lie.
"Do you ever get depressed?"
"No..." Lie.
"Do you ever .. think about suicide?"
"N-no..." Lie.
"Are you okay?" Roman asked nervously.
"...Yes, I'm fine..." Lie.
"Do you hate Roman?"
"Yes." Lie.
"Do you ever think about Roman?"
"No...." Lie.
Virgil blushed more than he had been before, and stood up and left.
"Virgil.. wait!" Roman left and followed him.
Roman heard sobbing in Virgil's room. He quietly knocked and said quietly, "It's me, Roman... Can I check on you?"
"I don't care anymore."
When Roman came in, he saw Virgil's makeup smudged all over his face and tear stains under his eyes. He had his sleeves rolled up, revealing scars.
"Virgil...." Roman teared up, touching Virgil's shoulder. He looked closely at Virgil's scars. They obviously weren't natural. Some of them were words, like hopeless, unloved, stupid, anxious, and broken. Roman hugged Virgil, making him jump. "Roman..."
"Virgil... you're not any of those things." Roman pulled away and Virgil could see that he was crying.
"Don't ... don't tell anyone about... this, okay?" Virgil gestured to his wrists.
"Of course not." He leaned forward and hugged Roman.
Virgil smiled.

Everyone Loves the Villain - Prinxietyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن