Chapter Eight ~ Confession (part 2)

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Virgil blushed, looking away.
"Are we done yet?"
"No! Virgil! Truth or dare!"
"Nnnnn... truth."
"Were all the insults between you and Roman real?"
"Well, yeah. It wasn't, like, an inside joke, if that's what you mean..."
"Yeah, that's what I meant... but how did that feel?"
"Well... it's one of the reasons I was depressed. I knew that he was the dreamer and stuff, and we probably couldn't get along, so I went with it... and, guys? I need to tell you something... without it being broadcasted to the world?"
"Oh, sure." Thomas switched off the recording. "What is it?"
"Well, Princey already knows."
"What is it, kiddo?" Patton asked, concerned.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner." With that, he rolled up his hoodie sleeves and sighed.
Patton saw the cuts and started crying. Logan looked genuinely concerned (for once) and didn't seem to know what to do. Thomas gasped. "Virgil, buddy, how long has this been happening?"
"A while." Virgil shrugged off the question. Roman put his arm around Virgil as reassurance. Patton hugged Virgil, sobbing. Logan rubbed at his eyes and looked through his vocabulary cards, trying to find something to say.
"No, Logan, it's fine, you don't have to talk..."
"My apologies. I was looking for a way to sympathize, however you don't seem to need words. But, Virgil... I'm sorry I have insulted you before. I did not understand the repercussions before now."
"It's okay, Logan."
"Thanks, Patton... Dad."
Roman sat down next to Virgil, hugging him close.
"Virgil... We all love you, okay? Sometimes you all trip up and you all argue, but I know as a fact we're all a... family," Thomas said, sitting next to them all.
Virgil smiled. Genuinely. It was a warm smile, one that could light up your day if you saw it. Not his usual smirk or half-smile.
"Thanks. But if you think I'm giving up all my angsty stuff, I say to that- Not a chance."
"Hot topic," Roman muttered, playfully slapping Virgil on his shoulder.
"Aww." Virgil smirked. "Well. Bye. I have to do something." He sunk down. "Love ya guys."
(In Virgil's room)
He opened the door and immediately knew something was wrong. His eyes skirted the room, tense.
"Greetings, Virgil."
"Get out of here, you snake."
"Come with me."
"Okay." He went up to Virgil and grabbed his arm and grinned evilly.
Everything went black.

" is he still out?"
"Maybe. I'll check in a few hours."
Virgil stirred and groaned. "Where... am I? Prin..cey? Dad? Logan?"
"Oh, I hear him... I'll go check on him now."
Virgil struggled to move, but he couldn't. He started to panic quickly.
"Hey! Where am I? Who's talking?"
"Shhhh." A voice came from the corner. "You're chained up. Don't try to move."
Virgil continued struggling. "Where's Princey?! And Dad? And Logic? And Thomas!"
"They're fine."
"Let me out!"
"We need you here."
"I'll scream!"
"No one will hear you. The others aren't near."
"Then they're looking for me! Let me out!"
A slam.
Virgil squeezed his eyes shut, hoping he  would wake up. No luck. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. "Help..."
He eventually fell asleep.

Roman was smiling. Virgil immediately felt better.
"Hey! Princey!" He waved.
Roman immediately grimaced. "Anxiety?"
"Yeah, it's me..."
"Why are you here? We left you."
"What? Roman?"
"Get out of here! We don't need you!"
"But..." Tears stung Virgil's eyes.
"Roman, but..."
"I said LEAVE!"
He backed up. "I'm sorry..."
"You're not worth any of us!" Roman was yelling.
Virgil closed his eyes.

Virgil's eyes snapped open. He couldn't see anything. It took him a full minute to realize what had happened.
He realized he could move again, and he stood to check if he could leave. No such luck.
"You can come out, if you promise to behave."
"What was I doing wrong?"
"You were acting nice."
Everything went black.

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