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In the 14th century, likely originating with Mamluk game cards brought to Western Europe from Turkey. By the 1500s, the Italian aristocracy was enjoying a game known as "tarocchi appropriati," in which players were dealt random cards and used thematic associations with these cards to write poetic verses about one another—somewhat like the popular childhood game "MASH." These predictive cards were referred to as "sortes," meaning destinies or lots.

Even the earliest known tarot decks weren't designed with mysticism in mind; they were actually meant for playing a game similar to modern-day bridge. Wealthy families in Italy commissioned expensive, artist-made decks known as "carte da trionfi" or "cards of triumph." These cards were marked with suits of cups, swords, coins, and polo sticks (eventually changed to staves or wands), and courts consisting of a king and two male underlings. Tarot cards later incorporated queens, trumps (the wild cards unique to tarot), and the Fool to this system, for a complete deck that usually totaled 78 cards. Today, the suit cards are commonly called the Minor Arcana, while trump cards are known as the Major Arcana.

Each suit has meaning regarding a specific approach to life. The cards within these suits are numbered one through 10 and also include the court cards -- the king, queen, knight and page. The Minor Arcana cards represent the more minor, practical daily ups and downs in life.

The Major Arcana are not associated with the suits. They include the picture cards that represent principles, concepts and ideals. They are numbered one through 21, with the 22nd card (the "Fool") marked as zero. The Major Arcana cards represent strong, long-term energy or big events in some area of life.

Seeing a Major Arcana card about a particular subject in one reading and then getting a Minor Arcana card about the same subject in the next reading would mean that this subject is becoming less important in your life.

wands - Ace, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Page,Knight,Queen,King

swords - Ace, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Page,Knight,Queen,King

cups - Ace, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Page,Knight,Queen,King

coins or pentacles - Ace, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Page,Knight,Queen,King

The Suit of Cups represents your feelings, emotions, intuition and creativity. The Cups cards often appear in Tarot readings about relationships and your emotional connection with yourself and others.

The Suit of Pentacles or Coins represents your finances, work and material possessions. The Pentacles cards often appear in Tarot readings about career and financial wealth.

The Suit of Swords represents your thoughts, words and actions. The Swords cards often appear in Tarot readings about communicating your ideas, making decisions, and asserting your power.

The Suit of Wands represents your energy, motivation and passion. The Wands cards often appear in Tarot readings about life purpose, spirituality and new ideas.

None (0 or 22)

0. The Fool

1 The Magician

2 The High Priestess

3 The Empress

4 The Emperor

5 The Hierophant

6 The Lovers

7 The Chariot

8 Strength

9 The Hermit

10 Wheel of Fortune

11 Justice

12 The Hanged Man

13 Death

14 Temperance

15 The Devil

16 The Tower

17 The Star

18 The Moon

19 The Sun

20 Judgement

21 The World

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