Lovers 6

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(To Follow)

A man and woman stand in what appears to be a garden, possibly the Garden of Eden. Behind each is a tree. The Tree of Knowledge behind the woman and The Tree of Life behind the man. Above, an Angel looks down on them as if giving a blessing. A cloud representing spirit symbolically joins the man and woman.

The man seems to be unaware of the Angel as he stares at the woman while the woman looks up to the Angel. This again represents the masculine and feminine, opposites, duality and conscious/subconscious aspects at play once again. The man looks outwardly for inspiration in the physical sense while the woman goes within to connect with spirit for fulfillment in her life. For perfect balance both of these qualities or approaches are necessary. The two combined are more powerful than when alone. The man instructs woman on the ways of the world through physical and direct experience while the woman helps man understand that he has a spiritual purpose to fulfill, that he is first and foremost spirit learning to live in the physical. The Lovers is an accumulation of the influence of the emotional and practical guidance of both the Empress and Emperor along with the spiritual and moral instruction of The Heirophant being applied to our relationships in life. The Fool is now expected to take his place in the world according to the tradition of all those who have gone before. He will be watched carefully to ensure he behaves accordingly. In a similar manner you will be too.

The Lovers are depicted as young adults and hence represent the onset of adolescence and the moving away from directing their sole love and attention from their parents to another . The couple depicted in The Lovers have become aware of each other's presence and are now realise what it is to feel attracted to another. They are experiencing the magic of falling in love.

The Lovers is also a card for sexual development and sexual attraction. As a result relationships are highlighted by this card and often decisions about relationships. The relationship in question does not necessarily need to be of a romantic or sexual nature. This card deals with any relationship that is considered important. It is also a card for questioning the relationship you have with yourself. Learning to love yourself before you can love another. True fulfillment comes at first from within as depicted by the woman turning to Spirit.

The Lovers along with the Knight of Swords is a sign for Gemini. Gemini is symbolically represented by the twins. Because of the dual nature of Gemini, one of their challenges is to learn how to decide. Therefore this card may stand for decisions of any kind and not just relationships. The Lovers teach us to take a look and examine both sides of the situation (represented by the man and woman) so that the best decision for all may be arrived at. It is a time to take your physical, emotional or spiritual needs into account when making a decision be it regarding love, buying a house or choosing a career.

Gemini being an Air Sign deals with the art of communication. Geminis are usually great talkers and are well able to communicate and express themselves. They are often depicted as having two phones; one for each ear. The Lovers examine the level of and quality of communication within your relationships. For a relationship to remain healthy, active and forward moving is essential to keep a strong two-way flow of communication in operation. As a couple The Lovers need to be able to express their individual needs, desires, feelings, likes and dislikes but also be able to listen to their partner's needs in order to maintain a healthy balance and harmony within the relationship.

The Nudity of the man and woman symbolises their desire to be open and honest with each other. They feel safe enough with each other enabling them to show their true self and be accepted for who they are, warts and all.

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